My Humax Forum » Freesat HD » FOXSAT HDR

Hello and Help please

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    new member
    Joined: Feb '12
    Posts: 1


    Hello to the forum.

    I have just bought a Humax Foxsat-HDR and plugged the LNB feed from my old Sky setup into it, with LNB1out looped into LNB2 in. All worked fine with 80% signal and 100% quality.

    Because the old dish setup had seen better days I decided to erect a new dish and a quad LNB (probably will use outputs 3 & 4 at a later date) I aligned the dish using a Konig meter and now have nice pictures and can record 2 channels at the same time as expected. I thought I would do another channel search but when the bar graphs showing signal strength and quality were displayed, before doing a channel search, the signal strength was 100% but the quality only 30%.

    I decided not to continue with the channel search but to seek advice from the forum as to why the quality is down from 100% to 30% and does it matter and if it does what can be done about it.

    Thanks to anyone who can help.

    | Sat 18 Feb 2012 12:42:51 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    Posts: 11,075


    Welcome to the Forum

    Apologises for the late reply.

    Could be a couple of reasons....

    Dish alignment, not picking up Eurobird which has the home transponder.

    Check the connections ensure none of the outer braid is touching centre core.

    Hopefully Graham will perhaps suggest something, as he can normally get to the bottom of freesat reception issues.

    | Sun 19 Feb 2012 13:30:50 #2 |
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    Joined: Jan '12
    Posts: 37


    As far as I'm aware, the signal strength is more of an indication of the quality of the connection between your dish and receiver - so 100% sounds good for your cabling!

    The signal quality is going to vary between channels, particularly between EB1 and Astra channels. Have you tested it on different channels, like 999 - the Freesat info page? On my particular system the signal appears to be weaker (eg 70%) on channels like CBS Reality+1 and BET (and some of the even more obscure ones further up the list). Luckily, these aren't my favourites. On the more popular channels the signal quality is 90%-100%.


    | Mon 20 Feb 2012 10:03:55 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


    special member
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    Posts: 14,442


    Sounds like an alignment issue. Cheap meters are OK for a rough lock on but the results need tweaking to get an accurate alignment.

    When making adjustments make tiny movements and wait for the tuner to respond (about 15 seconds). Use the boxes manual tune option and select say the following transponder first and optimise the quality for each of the following.

    10788 V

    Slacken the direction adjustment bolts (azimuth) and find the highest quality position. Carefully lock off the adjustment.

    Repeat for elevation.

    Slacken the lnb clamp and optimise the lnb angle (skew) and in/out (focus). Mark the lnb skew (you need to set up Skew for EB1).

    Select transponder 11428 H and optimise the skew. Set the lnb skew about midway between the new postion and the previous mark.

    Check through the transponders on this list hopefully none will be less than 60% quality.

    Good luck.

    | Mon 20 Feb 2012 10:23:50 #4 |

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