I hope someone can help me by going to set up a couple of recording to see if they give you the series link option or just the record programme so I can work out if it's the channel being silly or my box that needs a reboot, or just one of those things that'll sort itself out with time.
I have '24 Hours in A&E' set up on Wednesday 9pm on Channel 4 on series link. Next weeks edition 19th February isn't showing as part of the series and it'll only let me set it up as 'record programme'. Also the programme before on Channel 4HD 8pm 'How the other kids live' is set up for series link, last weeks and today's seem to be a series but next weeks again will only let me 'record programme'. This happened with a couple of programmes yesterday too, only on Channel 4 and Channel 4HD so not sure if it's my box being silly or the broadcaster isn't sending out the correct information.
If some people could attempt to set up either programme and see if it gives you the option to record whole series as well as just the programme- that'd be very helpful.
Thank you very much.