My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

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    Earlier this evening I had an HDR-2000T and an HD-FOX T2 that could not play any Youtube video but just kept on loading and loading. I tinkered with each of them but the tinkering had no effect on the everlasting loading.
    Now they both can play after each was given a factory default.

    (They are going back into their cardboard boxies now!)

    Starting with the HD-FOX T2 it played iPlayer but not Youtube. Playing with the settings made no difference to Youtube. After a factory reset and tune to some channels so that it could set the date Youtube now works fine. I then set the parameters to how I usually have them and Youtube remained OK.

    Moving on to the HDR-2000T it played iPlayer but not Youtube. Playing with the settings made no difference to Youtube. After a factory reset (but NO reformat) and tune to some channels so that it could set the date Youtube now works fine. I then set the parameters to how I would usually have them if it had been staying in use and Youtube remains OK.

    Its a bit of a pain to reset to defaults as the tuning, schedule and favourites all have to be set up again, but it would be good if someone who uses Youtube regularly would have a go and reports the same and even better if it then sticks.

    By the way my HDR-FOX T2(1.03.12) continues to play Youtube OK and hasn't had a reset since 4 months ago when it got given an update to the latest version. My HDR-FOX T2 (1.02.20) continues not to play Youtube; it hasn't had a reset for much longer although it did also have an update to the kernel 4 months ago (followed by reloading 1.02.20).

    | Fri 15 Aug 2014 18:03:57 #21 |
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    Hugh J

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    The first thing I did was try the reset to factory defaults. It made no difference at all.

    | Fri 15 Aug 2014 18:57:23 #22 |
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    Presumably you have a 2000T?

    Very strange. As the 2000T has not had an update we must be on the same software. Unless the underlying kernel between our 2 2000Ts is different they should behave the same.

    | Fri 15 Aug 2014 19:02:20 #23 |
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    Hugh J

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    Yes it is.

    | Fri 15 Aug 2014 19:05:12 #24 |
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    Are you referring to a recent 'factory defaults' in the past few days or the one you tried in June?

    | Fri 15 Aug 2014 19:12:42 #25 |
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    Hugh J

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    I don't remember carrying out a factory reset in June, but I did this a few days ago. No software updates were found afterwards.

    | Fri 15 Aug 2014 19:27:28 #26 |
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    Thanks Luke!

    youtube wasn't working on my HDRFoxT2 1.03.12, I don't have an 1800T/2000T
    running a factory reset without formatting got it back playing videos with compatible file format whereas before it was stuck on loading for all.
    There must be an easier way to clear cookies, temporary data etc. although factory reset only took a few minutes, it'll be interesting to see if anything else has changed

    | Fri 15 Aug 2014 20:26:56 #27 |
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    damian - 21 minutes ago  » 
    There must be an easier way to clear cookies ...

    There is. But it did not cure my devices' Youtube issues. Unfortunately I suggested that easier way to the Susan Moon (the thread starter) before I had an opportunity to try it myself. It did not help Susan Moon either.

    | Fri 15 Aug 2014 20:57:38 #28 |
  9. Barry


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    Still not working for me even after a factory reset on all T2 models.

    | Sat 16 Aug 2014 8:56:55 #29 |
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    it feels like I'm hijacking a thread, my apologies; however...

    I did remove the power to my HDRFoxT2 1.03.12, i.e hard cold reboot, before factory resetting, just to see if that cleared youtube and it didn't. I then carried out the factory default reset, which got youtube working. It now loads in a second or two and displays either 'cannot support this wideo due to invalid file format' or it'll play it, depending upon the file no doubt.

    I presume Luke, during his testing - plugging unplugging etc, also power cycled his boxes. I can't re-test mine as it's still working.
    It'd be useful if somebody with youtube problems could confirm they carried out a hard cold reboot, i.e. physically remove the box from the mains supply, before resetting again and testing as this could have an impact.

    | Sat 16 Aug 2014 10:44:19 #30 |

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