My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Hesitation of picture during viewing

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    I have had this FVP 4000T for 3 months. It has started to hesitate when we are viewing normal TV. The picture freezes for about 2/4 seconds then continues.
    The signal is over 90% and we don't have any problems with the old version of this model.
    Anyone ideas?

    | Tue 15 Dec 2015 10:35:07 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Millerj - 17 minutes ago  » 
    The signal is over 90% and we don't have any problems with the old version of this model.

    Does the 90% refer to signal strength or signal quality?

    | Tue 15 Dec 2015 10:53:09 #2 |
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    Hi Martin.
    I have checked signal strength and quality on several channels and I get 89% to 95% for Strength, the best is BBC the lowest was ITV Channel 10, ITV3.
    100% for quality.

    | Tue 15 Dec 2015 14:03:05 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Millerj - 4 hours ago  » 
    I have checked signal strength and quality on several channels and I get 89% to 95% for Strength, the best is BBC the lowest was ITV Channel 10, ITV3.
    100% for quality.

    One possibility is that your signal strength is too high. If there is any amplification in your aerial system then try turning it down or removing it; alternatively fit a variable attenuator to the aerial feed. We had a similar problem with an HDR-2000T which was resolved by fitting a variable attenuator and reducing the reported signal strength below 80%.

    | Tue 15 Dec 2015 18:51:03 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Millerj - 4 hours ago  » 
    I have checked signal strength and quality on several channels and I get 89% to 95% for Strength, the best is BBC the lowest was ITV Channel 10, ITV3.
    100% for quality.

    One possibility is that your signal strength is too high. If there is any amplification in your aerial system then try turning it down or removing it; alternatively fit a variable attenuator to the aerial feed. We had a similar problem with an HDR-2000T which was resolved by fitting a variable attenuator and reducing the reported signal strength below 80%.

    | Tue 15 Dec 2015 18:58:02 #5 |

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