My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR FOX T2

Hi and Help ! HDD format

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    Big Ted

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    Hi everyone, this looks like a useful forum.

    Now for the problem: We've been away on holiday and recorded lots of 'stuff' on the HDD of our HDR-Fox T2 500GB which we bought a couple of months ago.
    All was well till I got the screen telling me to format the HDD.
    I also notice that a small icon on the front panel says 'FULL' which I assume is the HDD ? The data storage screen shows 0s for everything on the HDD.
    If I format as requested I'll obviously lose all the recordings.
    I know I should be able to copy content onto an external drive via USB to save it but I can't access the internal HDD at all, I press the Media button or try via the Menu and nothing happens so I can't copy or delete anything.

    Am I going to have to sacrifice all our recordings and format the HDD anyway ?



    | Thu 21 Jun 2012 17:12:50 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Big Ted - 1 hour ago  » 
    Now for the problem: We've been away on holiday and recorded lots of 'stuff' on the HDD of our HDR-Fox T2 500GB which we bought a couple of months ago.
    All was well till I got the screen telling me to format the HDD.
    I also notice that a small icon on the front panel says 'FULL' which I assume is the HDD ?

    No; the "FULL" refers to the output resolution.

    Am I going to have to sacrifice all our recordings and format the HDD anyway ?

    I think what you are seeing may be due to the HDR detecting a problem with the file system and making it read only. I think the only realistic hope of salvaging the recordings would be to install the custom firmware and use maintenance mode.

    | Thu 21 Jun 2012 18:51:52 #2 |
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    Big Ted

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    thanks Martin, FULL output resolution makes a bit more sense. However, after a quick search for custom firmware for the HDR-Fox T2 I reckon that's more than me and my bag of spanners could cope with! Odd that I can't even see the list of files on the HDD, it just does nothing when I press MEDIA button. Looks like I'll have to bite the bullet and format.
    Does this sort of thing happen often ?
    Ho Hum....

    | Thu 21 Jun 2012 19:39:05 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Big Ted - 1 hour ago  » 
    Does this sort of thing happen often ?

    Not very often but not unprecedented.

    | Thu 21 Jun 2012 21:33:57 #4 |

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