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HMS 1000T new software problem

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    Since my 1000T software up(?)graded itself a few days ago, I have been unable to use my TV (Sony Bravia) unless the 1000T is active. By this I mean that I must have the power to the 1000T switched on and the device also switched at the remote. If the device is switched off using the remote, which should (I think) put it in a standby situation, the TV switches on but displays only a "Loss of signal" message. It did not do this before the software change.Before the change, I only got this message if the Humax was switched off on the back of the box or at the wall. Can anyone help?
    I should have added that this problem is intermittent. It occurs about 90 % of the times when I try to watch the TV without switching on the Humax, but not always!

    | Thu 4 Aug 2016 2:05:39 #1 |
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    Press the HOME button. Select SETTINGS and then System Settings and then check that you have Power Saving in Standby switched to 'Off'.

    | Thu 4 Aug 2016 7:21:52 #2 |
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    Many thanks for this response. Unfortunately, Power Saving in Standby is already switched to Off, so this cannot be the answer. Anyone got any other suggestions!

    | Thu 4 Aug 2016 7:38:30 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    Try turning off CEC control (aka Bravia Link) on the Sony TV. After this you will have to select the TV HDMI inputs manually.

    | Thu 4 Aug 2016 8:14:17 #4 |
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    Unfortunately I can't find any setting on the Sony TV where I can turn on or off the CEC control. However, the HDMI/CEC option is already turned off on the Humax device and I do have to select the HDMI inputs manually. The problem is that the Humax doesn't seem to pass on a signal when it is in standby. In any case, I have not changed any settings on either the TV or the Humax and yet this behaviour has suddenly started to occur after the software update.

    | Thu 4 Aug 2016 23:05:28 #5 |

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