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How do I record and playback from the USB port

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    How do I record and playback from the USB port with the Humax DTR-T1OOO box? This was simple previously with the Humax HDR-FOXT2 box.

    Admin Edit: Posts removed from HDR 1000S section to here, the correct Forum

    | Mon 13 Jan 2014 15:15:52 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Hi welcome to the forum. afaik the Youview box does not have this capability.


    | Mon 13 Jan 2014 15:33:57 #2 |
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    thomas1939 - 11 minutes ago  » 
    How do I record and playback from the USB port with the Humax DTR-T1OOO box? This was simple previously with the Humax HDR-FOXT2 box.

    No such capability with the DTR-T1000, I'm afraid. Record to HDD, or via Scart to another recorder. Playback from HDD only.

    The USB ports can be used for power or a degree of keyboard support (accessibility update, only on retail boxes at present). That's about it.

    | Mon 13 Jan 2014 15:35:07 #3 |
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    Thanks very much for info. Looks like I record then with 'old' HDR-FOXT2 Humax in front room then play it on my Blu-Ray in back room. Also I can now send my PC stuff to New Humax along LAN so perhaps put USB in PC and LAN it. Problem solved possibly but cannot see why USB ports on DTR-T100O (NEW) are not active cf older HDR-FOX2.

    Why do we seem to go backwards unnecessarily? Or am I asking the wrong questions? [Sorry about wrong Forum: never get it correct on any of these sites - old age sad to say].

    | Tue 14 Jan 2014 15:24:03 #4 |
  5. grahamlthompson


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    thomas1939 - 1 minute ago  » 
    Thanks very much for info. Looks like I record then with 'old' HDR-FOXT2 Humax in front room then play it on my Blu-Ray in back room. Also I can now send my PC stuff to New Humax along LAN so perhaps put USB in PC and LAN it. Problem solved possibly but cannot see why USB ports on DTR-T100O (NEW) are not active cf older HDR-FOX2.
    Why do we seem to go backwards unnecessarily? Or am I asking the wrong questions? [Sorry about wrong Forum: never get it correct on any of these sites - old age sad to say].

    HDR FOX T2 is including design, UI and firmware is down to Humax. Youview boxes are built by two makers, Humax and Huawei, UI is down to Youview, they don't want the usb to be usable in the way you want.

    | Tue 14 Jan 2014 15:28:50 #5 |
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    The DTR-T1000 is mostly given out "free" by ISPs who offer TV services on the side. Retail buyers are a small fraction of users, so their desires carry little weight. It's not a give-the-customer-what-he-wants situation.

    | Tue 14 Jan 2014 16:17:40 #6 |
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    Owen Smith

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    JamesB - 5 days ago  » 
    The DTR-T1000 is mostly given out "free" by ISPs who offer TV services on the side. Retail buyers are a small fraction of users, so their desires carry little weight. It's not a give-the-customer-what-he-wants situation.

    Which is a great shame. The YouView concept was great, but the implementation has been badly messed up.

    I have both an HDR Fox T2 and DTR-T1000 (free from the original YouView trial). The only thing I use the DTR-T1000 for is ITV Player and 4OD. The HDR Fox T2 is vastly superior for everything else.

    | Mon 20 Jan 2014 15:22:03 #7 |

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