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How have I managed to Enc SD recordings?

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    Posts: 10


    Somehow, a couple of my recent SD recordings have been marked "Enc" which I presume means encrypted, as a result of which I seem unable to view them remotely through a DNLA interface. These recordings were both non-series recordings, with scheduled start/stop times manually adjusted. Any idea how I managed to trigger the encryption?

    Running CF 1.03.12 mod 3.00 (though I used the PVR, not the CF, to schedule the recordings)

    | Fri 24 Jul 2015 15:40:00 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Kirbett - 3 minutes ago  » 
    Somehow, a couple of my recent SD recordings have been marked "Enc" which I presume means encrypted, as a result of which I seem unable to view them remotely through a DNLA interface. These recordings were both non-series recordings, with scheduled start/stop times manually adjusted. Any idea how I managed to trigger the encryption?

    ALL recordings on the HDR_FOX T2 are encrypted. Discussions on the Custom Firmware are not encouraged on this Forum (particularly with regard to encryption) and you should ask the question on

    | Fri 24 Jul 2015 15:45:15 #2 |
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    Kirbett - 1 hour ago  » 
    Somehow, a couple of my recent SD recordings have been marked "Enc"

    Which channels are the recordings from?
    Film4+1, BBC Red button 2, BBC Red button 3 and a few others are broadcast alongside HD channels.

    | Fri 24 Jul 2015 17:24:45 #3 |
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    BBC2(SD) - but I have switched to to ask the question in case it's something to do with the CF. If all recordings are encrypted as a matter of course, I'm not sure what "Enc" actually means. Just trying to figure out what I must have done to mark the recordings as such, since the flags seem to be impeding the DLNA access.

    | Fri 24 Jul 2015 21:03:09 #4 |
  5. MontysEvilTwin


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    The 'Enc' symbol is unfortunate in its terminology. All recordings (standard and high def.) are encrypted (referred to as on-disk encryption) by default. Normally standard def. recordings are decrypted when you copy them to a USB drive using the remote control handset, so they will play on other devices. High def. files are flagged as 'Enc' which means that although they can be copied, they are copied with encryption and are thus unplayable on any other unit.
    The fault you describe is a new one: well I've not heard of it before. I doubt very much that it is caused by custom firmware. If you wish to restore the full functionality of the affected std. def. recordings you can do this by editing the hmt files so that the value at 00x03DC = 04 using a hex editor. Other methods are available.

    | Sat 25 Jul 2015 2:06:36 #5 |
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    Posts: 10


    Well, I seem to have fixed the SD recordings using PuTTY + hmt, though I had to metaphorically "kick" the DLNA database to get my DLNA client to see them again. Mystery remains about what caused the glitch.

    | Sun 26 Jul 2015 11:25:25 #6 |

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