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How to archive recordings to USB HDD

(2 posts)
  1. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,051


    Highlight the recording or series of recordings you want to copy/move and press +

    Highlight either copy or move and press ok.

    Highlight the connected USB HDD you want to copy/move to and press OK.

    To stop copy/move press + again.

    To select multiple items in recordings list:

    Highlight a programme then press + highlight select and press OK, you can now select multiple items by highlighting them and pressing OK.

    Edit: To correct rubbish posted elsewhere, you can batch move series folders as you can individual programmes.

    Important Note: Read This post re deleting timers.

    | Sat 3 Oct 2015 9:24:12 #1 |
  2. aldaweb


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 400


    Files transferred to USB storage are now to be found in a .recordings directory which is hidden on a Mac and appears at the start of the of recordings list on a PC. To reveal on a Mac use Cmd-Shift and full stop.

    | Mon 11 Nov 2019 18:29:32 #2 |

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