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How to stop file delete on Humax Foxsat

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    HDD was getting full so was playing around with archiving to a USB drive. During that process I have inadvertantly pressed the yes button for delete for the folder which happened to feature another set of programmes we want to keep.Obviously the box started deleting the entire folder. Thinking if this was a pc switching off at the mains would do the job. Switched back on and yes the folder was there with most of the programmes still intact.

    However, the box then carried on deleting the programmes in the folder! Switched off again, left for 1/2 hour, switched on again but still deleting!

    So the big question is - how do I stop it deleting more. Currently I have the box switched off at the mains again.

    I have posted this elsewhere so forgive me if you see this twice. Off to bed now as been at this one quite a while. I suppose one option is to take HDD out and copy files and put them back after?

    On looking though the pages here, if anyone knows the answer, this is the place.Any other thoughts?

    Thanks in anticipation

    | Sat 8 Sep 2012 2:14:09 #1 |
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    If the recordings are valuable then the safest way is indeed to take the HDD out and connnect to a PC, then copy them and put them back later.

    If you are running the custom firmware then you could try telnetting into the box as soon as it boots, delete the file /mnt/hd1/ and reboot. That should stop it too. The reason is as follows:
    1. When deleting a recording via on-screen display, the HDR creates a file /mnt/hd1/ containing the paths to the ts/hmt/nts files to be deleted. When the recording deletion is complete then is removed.
    2. If /mnt/hd1/ exists when the HDR starts up, it checks for existence of the files contained in If these exist then they are removed and then is also removed.

    See here for more background:

    | Sat 8 Sep 2012 6:54:48 #2 |
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    Many thanks for the quick response. I have the standard firmware installed. On that basis would going for a firmware update (standard or other (I have had this on the todo list for quite a while)) also effectively remove the delete file?

    I haven't got the Humax hooked up yet to the internet.


    | Sat 8 Sep 2012 9:09:25 #3 |


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    No it would not.

    | Sat 8 Sep 2012 10:20:23 #4 |
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    Took the HDD out connected up to the PC, Using easeus partition master I was going to copy the files to another HDD. However, the software allows me to look at the files Drive has atotal of 270Gb, some other stuff featured in folders on the HDD takes up ~100gb of the 279gb. However the folder of the file that I inadvertantly deleted is there but shows nothing in it (all the others do) but the difference of 270 minus 100 equates to those files not shown in the 'empty'folder. Thought I'd run some recovery software (Easeus again) and that shows the missing files but with no size (not sure if thats what should be on Easeus data recovery).

    In summary it looks as if the files are there but I can't seem to get to copy them. I could just clone the HDD then I have the lot to give me time to sort it later!

    | Sat 8 Sep 2012 13:08:55 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    This thread might give you some clues about data recovery from a Foxsat-hdd.

    | Sat 8 Sep 2012 13:31:21 #6 |
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    Thanks for the link which looks useful. I had a problem back in December with my camera and the memory card when it went wrong. Tried several pieces of recovery software at that time - typically they worked in varying success levels and can't quite remember which was best only that some were better than others. So it will be try them all again and see how succesful they are. I'll let you know how I get on. Pressures off now - had to own up to my wife I'd trashed some of her programe files!

    | Sun 9 Sep 2012 0:46:58 #7 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    johnscotty - 10 hours ago  » 
    I had a problem back in December with my camera and the memory card when it went wrong. Tried several pieces of recovery software at that time - typically they worked in varying success levels and can't quite remember which was best only that some were better than others.

    I would guess they are intended for Windows file systems and will be of no help with the Humax. No harm in trying though.

    | Sun 9 Sep 2012 11:13:40 #8 |
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    I was heavily into the software mode last night and got some software that was quite good at the initial stage (Haven't dared yet to press anything that features go/yes!). ET2 explore as an example lists the 'deleted' file folder but doesn't feature anything inside (all the other folders reveal all).
    Another software (recovery) however, lets me see all that is/was there - looks promising at this stage (but haven't read quite whats what with it). It has current folders files with green ticks, others with red crosses and green ticks others with red crosses (must read the help files, but I get the drift since some of the red crosses look to be the already deleted files whilst the to be deleted files in the folder are still there with finite file sizes (red crosses are zero file sizes).

    However, in another section is the heading 'delete folder' - double click and it tells me everything I did at the delete stage 'plug in usb stick, remove usb etc'.

    I figure this is the one I need to delete,since it contains the /mnt/hd1/delete (more or less that name)that Partidge 2 commented on but on the windows PC haven't yet found anything else to read that this file is there and that the 'to be deleted folder' contains as yet undeleted files. So I am thinking of transfering the lot to another drive (have a new one but awaiting resolution on some warranty issues). Then I need to be able to access that file from my windowsXP PC to delete it. As yet, all manner of 'EXt2 'file manager software won't appear to let me do that.

    I'm away from tomorrow for a few days so time to regroup!


    | Sun 9 Sep 2012 23:59:40 #9 |
  10. grahamlthompson


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    Here's an interesting thought, while the drive is on a PC it ought to be possible to set up the custom firmware directly to the HDD so the next time you boot it's already installed. Interesting to hear the experts on the projects comments

    | Mon 10 Sep 2012 8:48:48 #10 |

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