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How to unhide an individual channel

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    Joined: Apr '11
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    This is possible but I was under the impression that it was not. Possibly I have been reading old posts or not reading the right posts.

    I've recently been trying out a Youview DTR-T2100 (Humax) and a Youview DN372T (Huawei). Both can unhide individual channels providing the STB is connected to the internet.

    To unhide a single channel:
    * Identify a name of a programme that is coming up on the channel that you want to unhide;
    * If it isn't already connected connect the Youview box to the internet;
    * Search for the programme using the youview search;
    * On the search result list switch away from On Demand and adverts to the 'On Now & Next' list of programmes;
    * Select a programme from the hidden channel to record using the OK button;
    * Enter your youview PIN (default 1234);
    * A message will pop-up briefly stating that Youview is currently unhiding the selected "channels", and your selected single channel will be restored.

    | Sat 25 Apr 2015 20:13:35 #1 |
  2. gomezz


    special member
    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 944


    Thanks. That is handy to know.

    | Sun 26 Apr 2015 8:48:23 #2 |
  3. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,064


    I'll amend our FAQ shortly to include this tip - done.

    | Sun 26 Apr 2015 8:54:05 #3 |

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