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Humax 1010

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    This is the first version of a Humax DTR1010 of it's kind I have seen. I reballed the processor, this went well from it being a machine that wouldn't boot. It now boots fine every time but the menu structure is one I haven't seen before. A few weeks ago I bought 10 machines and repaired all but one. This one, however, as soon as it boots is asking you to configure the internet connection. I have no phone to my property, I rely on 3 as I move around a lot. The previous 1010's didn't require the internet to tune but is there a version of the 1010 that does. I cannot exit the router menu. All my others do not show this menu. It's just a picture of a yellow router that I cannot exit. I worked for Sony and LG for 30 years so I am familiar with issues in this trade but info on these seem rather scant, thanks anyone.

    | Sat 30 Jan 2021 19:08:13 #1 |
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    The software for youview boxes was changed in 2017.

    Your box is trying to action an initial setup. Either your other boxes have pre 2017 software or they have already been through the initial setup before you obtained them.

    Those boxes which have been updated to the new software versions have a different menu structure, reduced features, and require the agreement to the terms and conditions when ever they are first installed or have a full reset.
    The terms and conditions include agreeing to youview being sent details of your usage to youview and once you are past that can be disconnected from the internet, and the box can then be retuned whenever you want without connection to the internet.

    There is not a work round for the new software version to bypass the insistence of an internet connection during the agreeing to the terms and conditions.

    It is not possible to load an older version of the software on to the box.

    | Sat 30 Jan 2021 20:40:15 #2 |
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    Thanks Luke, that's cleared that up then. After the tricky job of reballing it is still, in essence, scrap. I take it I could take it to a friend with wired internet to initialise it and then bring it home for basic use.

    | Sat 30 Jan 2021 21:13:01 #3 |
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    tv-tony - 1 hour ago  » 
    I take it I could take it to a friend with wired internet to initialise it and then bring it home for basic use.

    Yes you could do that, (lockdown rules and common sence permitting). The box won't mind that you have unplugged it and moved it elsewhere once an initial setup has been actioned.

    If you ever need to reset it you'll need to visit a friend again. There are 5 different resets but I'm not 100% sure that they all include being on-line again. The most obvious one, which is visible in the menus, does require an internet connection.

    | Sat 30 Jan 2021 22:57:00 #4 |
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    Just had another two delivered, my fear before they booted was what s\w was on them, they have the later version but as you say if they have been tuned before I should be ok. You were right, but if I up the hard drive and enter service mode am I back to square one? Time to get a phone line I think. Cheers Luke, you have filled me in on these, I like them.

    | Wed 3 Feb 2021 13:21:35 #5 |
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    As an addition, the GUI is amazing with the new S\W, nothing like that with LG gear.

    | Wed 3 Feb 2021 13:24:03 #6 |

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