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Humax Freesat won't show channels while recording

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    We've had our Humax Freesat recorder for over 13 years now. Recently it's developed a new problem. When recording a channel it won't show any other channels, only the one it is recording. All other channels come up as "no or bad signal". Anyone know why?

    | Sat 30 Dec 2023 9:01:00 #1 |
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    Hi Wilfort,

    Welcome to the forum. What have you done so far?

    Have you tried factory resetting box, retuning channels? Also check that your aerial leads are securely connected at rear of box, they can come loose, need to be twisted very tightly into the plugs. The only other thing is the LNB on your dish; might be faulty, but in most cases (hopefully) you can fix problem indoors. Have a try, if you haven't already & let forum know how you get on/if you need more help. John L

    | Sat 30 Dec 2023 11:09:33 #2 |
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    Haven't tried anything yet! Would a factory reset lose all the programmes we have recorded on the hard drive? When the programme stops recording, all the channels come back, so I don't know if retuning would help

    | Sat 30 Dec 2023 13:24:18 #3 |
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    Hi Wilfort,

    If you are using a Humax Foxsat, then the answer is NO. Have a look at the menu settings & you will see. Have you looked at the menu for factory settings? It states there you can reset box without losing recordings. Returning is all part of factory reset.

    Without being rude in any way, I have reset various pvrs I own inc. Foxsat many times over the years. They all seem to run into bugs every now & again, even the newer boxes develop a problem & the quickest solution: do a factory reset/or just a retune of channels. I'm surprised your Foxsat hasn't had to be reset in 13 years. Hope you are able to resolve problem, but please report back. John L

    | Sat 30 Dec 2023 13:39:09 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Could you tell us how many cables are connected to the Foxsat please? Also could you try this and report the result:

    Go into the setup menu then press in succession Red Green Yellow Blue Green Yellow Blue.

    A menu should open

    Antenna Setting should be Fixed Antenna
    Connection Type should be Two Cables (same)

    | Sat 30 Dec 2023 14:22:09 #5 |
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    So I checked that both cables were securely tightened at the back, but no change. Tried a factory reset but no change. Tried to do the coloured buttons thing on the setup menu but nothing seemed to happen, not sure if I'm doing it in the right place. When the factory reset happened it did say "one cable". Should it say two? Is that part of the problem? Thanks for all your tips and suggestions. I am a bit of a luddite so bear with me

    | Sun 31 Dec 2023 9:11:28 #6 |
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    We did have a problem a year or two ago where we lost a lot of channels. A technician came and put a new bit on the satellite dish which solved the problem. I don't know if this has any bearing on the current problem

    | Sun 31 Dec 2023 9:13:33 #7 |
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    Hi Wilfort,

    With regards the red, green, blue, yellow etc access to hidden menu, you need to go to settings menu and navigate to 3rd icon down for setup tuning. Then navigate to the Freesat tune option, but don't press ok. Then follow Martin's very useful advice and press the coloured buttons. You should see antenna option now appear? Press ok on remote and you should have the same setup: fixed antenna, two cables. If not, then there's you problem, factory reset won't solve problem. You need to check connections, seek advice about dish lnb. Hope you get it resolved/ please let forum know how you get on. John L

    | Sun 31 Dec 2023 10:46:21 #8 |
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    Thanks John, I did the colour sequence and found the menu. It was set at one cable. When I went to change it to two cables it said "Do you want to change the antenna system? All channels will be deleted" so I naturally didn't press it! Would I be able to get the channels back if I did change the system?

    | Sun 31 Dec 2023 12:34:13 #9 |
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    special member
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    Hi Wilfort,

    Not sure, but only way to find out is do a channel retune. You will obtain all the channels that you had before, unless you have a fault and the box will only pick up some of them. A chance you have to take when trying to fix problems. John L

    | Sun 31 Dec 2023 13:25:46 #10 |

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