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Humax HDR-Fox T2 loss of access to video

(7 posts)
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    Posts: 5


    I turned on my Humax and went to watch a recording and cannot access video. There is loads of space. Have tried various things such as re-setting channels, disconnecting box and reconnecting, also reset to factory settings but all to no avail. When I go to Video and select it the system just comes back to the program I am watching. In 'settings' - 'system' the title 'Data Storage' is not highlighted and unable to access this either. Help!

    | Wed 2 Jul 2014 16:49:53 #1 |
  2. chrisdaniels


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    Posts: 130


    Sounds like a hard disc fault.
    How old is your Humax?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    | Wed 2 Jul 2014 20:16:27 #2 |
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    I bought it in 2011, is there anything I can do to get it mended?

    | Sun 6 Jul 2014 19:19:13 #3 |
  4. chrisdaniels


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    Obviously it's difficult for me to tell without actually looking at your system personally, but it sounds as though the hdd has either died or developed a fault which is why it would not show up under data storage. All hard discs die eventually.

    Ideally, I would want to take the hdd out and connect it to a PC to verify it has a problem.

    You have a couple of choices: ask someone more knowledgable to physically check your box and verify the hdd is dead and then fit a new one for you, or ring humax and see if they can do anything for you, or just bite the bullet and buy a new hard disc yourself and fit it. It's not difficult, but depends how good you are with a screwdriver and electronics.

    Usually, when a hdd dies, the data is gone, or it's just not cost effective to recover.

    | Sun 6 Jul 2014 19:38:46 #4 |
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    Owen Smith

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    You could install custom firmware and run the hard disc checker and fix in that. See for details.

    | Tue 8 Jul 2014 10:33:53 #5 |
  6. chrisdaniels


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    Posts: 130


    If it won't even show the HDD is connected, I think it's beyond repair Owen.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    | Tue 8 Jul 2014 17:05:36 #6 |
  7. grahamlthompson


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    It would be worth removing and replacing the hard disk data connector a few times. It's not unknown for oxidisation to create a bad connection.

    | Tue 8 Jul 2014 19:48:27 #7 |

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