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Humax - no picture - frozen

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    Oh man, I'm getting a little sick of this new Humax, the wife has just phoned from home.

    Went to use the Humax, standby light was red.

    Pressed standby on remote, after a little while (boot up time) light went blue - no picture

    cycled through the inputs on the TV several times, no joy

    Humax was frozen, pressing standby on the remote wouldn't return it to standby and a red light, just a blue light

    left TV on Humax input and pulled power from back of Humax.

    Plugged back in, Humax booted and a picture came on the screen.

    AHHHHHHHH we've not even had it a week and have had 2 showstopping problems (wifi and standby).

    Time to phone Humax again

    | Fri 6 Nov 2015 14:50:11 #1 |
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    Phoned Humax, very helpful - NOT!

    Probably a glitch - feel free to take it back to where you bought it for a refund. AWESOME!

    | Fri 6 Nov 2015 15:07:31 #2 |
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    pharmacologist 51

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    Re: Harryhornby "Oh man, I'm getting a little sick of this new Humax, the wife has just phoned from home.... SNIP"

    This is a good example of one my problems, but mine has been from day one. I always have to unplug it, the colour of the light bears no relevence to anything. It is as likely to turn on with one of the older remotes e.g F04, F01, even a Samsung TV remote is as likely to work than the L03. I can use the EPG to record a one hour prog. but it will keep going for 3-4 hours.

    If you look for an update it tells you it will be 2-3 minutes, you might as well go to bed, it just keeps looking - never stops to say sorry, no updates.

    I couls go on forever with just technical problems without getting to the badly designed EPG, need to press so many buttons to do anything, no "i" simple information button and on and on and on.

    No wonder Humax let the existence of this Hummy dribble out and did not do a proper launch.

    I think we have to assume that there is a big s/w update coming soon?

    | Fri 6 Nov 2015 15:21:16 #3 |
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    pharmacologist 51

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    Hi HH et. al. I gave up ringing them over 20 years ago, they were never any use and usually were stroppy and rude.

    Such a pity when they have had some good boxes in the past.

    | Fri 6 Nov 2015 15:33:04 #4 |
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    Glad it's not just us. I know what you mean about lots of button presses. We've come from a 9200/9300 (had them ever since the 9200 first came out) and there are some functions we really find frustrating, like no simple information button and the fact you have to press play to skip.

    | Fri 6 Nov 2015 15:35:42 #5 |
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    pharmacologist 51

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    It's certainly not just you, a neighbour bought one at the same time and has all the same problems.

    I watched the forum for a while before I posted, I couldn't understand why, even if people had a box that worked, they were not more critical of what one might call the "user experience". It's the box equivalent of a Trabant.

    The fact that it won't switch on without pulling its plug out might be a good thing, I use it less and get frustrated less.

    | Fri 6 Nov 2015 15:56:53 #6 |
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    pharmacologist 51

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    Just for interest, as there are so many failings with this h/w and/or s/w, has anybody else had this problem...?

    You set the box to record for the following morning - in my case the first two programmes are "Newsbriefing - Radio 4 at 05:30" then "BBC1 Breakfast at 06:00." just to get the early news.

    When you stagger out of bed at, say 06:05 the red light is on (I see that meansthe box is either off or recording, how can you tell?

    (Hi Barry, you seem to have got to grips with the lights - any ideas?) - in this case it is recording) but of course it won't switch on whether you use "on"/"zero"/ "other Hummy remotes", "the Samsung remotes" they only work at night - it really doesn't like mornings etc.

    But when you get home in the evening, try again - no luck - and have time to pull the plug from the wall, wait 10 seconds, plug it back in, watch it re-boot, to get it to boot to something that partially works, then you find that it did record both the 05:30 and the 06:00 programmes.

    But it started recording both exactly 5 minutes late. With the radio recording you know as you come in in the middle of "the papers" the Breakfast programme is easier - their on-screen-clock says 06:05?

    Any ideas at all gratefuly received - Thanks.

    | Fri 6 Nov 2015 20:23:06 #7 |
  8. Barry


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    Apologies missed the above.

    I agree that the red led for standby and recording is ridiculous, and unless you actually get a picture hard to tell if unit has booted or not - I think this is confusing the issue.

    Perhaps units are actually switching on (booting) but have a HDMI handshaking issue with tv....

    Only suggestions that come to mind are:

    1. Factory reset.
    2. Switch off HDMI CEC on your TV.
    3. Try another HDMI port on TV.

    I will set up timers for the 2 programmes you have mentioned, from tomorrow, and see if I have any issues.

    | Wed 11 Nov 2015 11:34:43 #8 |
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    I wonder if Humax could change the standby light to slowly flash or something when recording, I doubt they can change the colour because parts have already been fitted, but it needs to do something because it's very confusing.

    I had it again 2 nights ago, this time I pressed the standby button and the light on the Humax went blue for half a second and then went back to red but no picture. Repeated this 5 or 6 times then suddenly it went blue, stayed blue and we had a picture.

    This has to be a software issue. I've got all the Samsung link thing turned off on the TV.

    | Wed 11 Nov 2015 12:52:34 #9 |
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    pharmacologist 51

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    Hi Barry/HH, et al,

    I've just loaded an update (nothing to do with Humax) and didn't bother to create a resore point. I now have about 15 seconds to type before it says it's going to shut down while MS go and look for "the fault" and the answer for me. Knowing MS, I may be out for some time

    | Wed 11 Nov 2015 19:48:12 #10 |

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