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Humax - no picture - frozen

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    Gosh I'm genuinely shocked to read all these negative posts - really disappointing.

    Regarding colours - you guys are lucky, you should have the 2000T like I have. Dull red is off, blue is on, slightly brighter shade of red (possibly one shade brighter than off) means it's recording.

    I think those of us that have the Humax Freesat version 1000s have it pretty good as the newer 1100s also appears to be having issues as well. Sounds like new ways of manufacturing (this usually means cost cutting) at Humax Towers is not going to plan.

    | Wed 11 Nov 2015 23:04:36 #11 |
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    pharmacologist 51

    Joined: Nov '15
    Posts: 31


    Maybe I've just been lucky over the past 20 - odd years. I've mentioned before that I've had nearly every box that Humax have made since they arrived on the scene, and before this one they have been fantastic.
    I've also mentioned that for this box HarryH couldn't have expressed the frustration better. I don't like such things as the large EPG with tiny spidery writing etc., but I am happy to ignore cosmetic/style/design ideas.
    The problem is that it isn't even as simple as "it doesn't work". e.g. for a week I had superb on demand/youtube then a week where it wouldn't work at all. Now it's back but nothing has changed.
    People have been helpful explaining that there are really three lights, dim red, brighter, red and blue (and what they mean) but unfortunately the box hasn't been told that.

    This forum is very helpful and I am grateful to everyone for their input, but just for interest I googled a purposely generic phrase - "humax freeview box keeps freezing" - there are pages covering all the boxes that I had no problems with.

    Normally in a field like this or computing one can follow a series of logical procedures to sort things out, but with this box it seems to depend on which side of the bed it got out of?

    | Fri 13 Nov 2015 10:00:00 #12 |
  3. Barry


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    pharmacologist 51 - 6 days ago  » 
    You set the box to record for the following morning - in my case the first two programmes are "Newsbriefing - Radio 4 at 05:30" then "BBC1 Breakfast at 06:00." just to get the early news.
    When you stagger out of bed at, say 06:05 the red light is on (I see that meansthe box is either off or recording, how can you tell?

    But it started recording both exactly 5 minutes late. With the radio recording you know as you come in in the middle of "the papers" the Breakfast programme is easier - their on-screen-clock says 06:05?
    Any ideas at all gratefuly received - Thanks.

    As per my post #8 Have checked the timers for last 2 Days and they appear to have recorded OK, only just for todays breakfast, no BBC logo beforehand but on screen clock 06:00...unit booted fine whilst still recording breakfast.

    | Fri 13 Nov 2015 12:12:58 #13 |
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    pharmacologist 51

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    Posts: 31


    Hi, I don't know whether this helps or muddies the water even more.

    In the morning my first recording is the Radio 4 "shipping Forcast" (OK, yawn, but it's relevant for me.) It may record on time or may be exactly 5 minutes late? Then the same thing for the R4 News Briefing. Then BBC1 "Breakfast" to get the headlines. It may be ontime but typically starts recording exactly 5 minutes into the programme (confirmed by the clock on the screen.)

    I have mentioned elsewhere that tracking down one problem is usually reasonably easy. But this box is like the Chinese guy who solved a problem for the Emperor and said "all I want is one grain of rice for the first square on the chess board, two for the second, three for the third etc.

    I don't know why but I feel there is a s/w rather than a h/w problem (hence not worth taking it back to swap for another box), but the bottom line is that this box has more problems than all the grains of rice in the world?

    Finally to help (or muddy even more), my neighbour who has the same box, order placed/arrived same day, has none of my problems but that box just won't do a thing if it involves 18:00 hours?

    | Fri 13 Nov 2015 15:55:04 #14 |

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