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Humax Portal is active but does not show on screen

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    My Fox T2 will not show the Humax Portal, when the button is pressed the circular symbol rotates on the screen then it goes and the original program on tv stays on screen, from memory, I think it should black out when it is connecting the portal with just the circular indicator showing. However the portal is obviously activated as the buttons that are used in the portal work but the ones (eg:- prog up/down etc) are deactivated and those that are used in the portal are active.
    In addition when you press EXIT after starting the portal you get the message that "Humax TV portal has ended" showing (I think) that it should have been showing the portal even though the Terrestrial signal had never left the screen
    After some time if left on the portal setting a message appears on screen "Cannot connect to network check your internet connection or network setting"
    I have two other humaxes operating off the same router and have exchanged the cables from the other two to the FoxT2 and The get no difference.
    In Network settings it says network connected and the only setting greyed out is the Wi-Fi for which I do not have the dongle
    The Configure Lan setting is "On" and on telling it to apply the settings I get the message Network Connected after a very short delay
    I also cannot get the USB to detect and apply a software update, Have tried it in the root of three different flash drives two of which have done the job before and are formatted in Fat 32
    After starting the box from the switch at the back the flash drive is ignored irrespective of which socket the drive is in
    Any advice would be appreciated
    Thanks, Boyd. (mactoshb)

    | Sun 18 Sep 2016 8:10:12 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    mactoshb - 24 minutes ago  » 
    The Configure Lan setting is "On" and on telling it to apply the settings I get the message Network Connected after a very short delay

    What is the IP address, Gateway and Netmask shown for the Humax?

    | Sun 18 Sep 2016 8:36:22 #2 |
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    IP address
    gateway address
    DNS Address

    | Sun 18 Sep 2016 8:52:07 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    mactoshb - 1 hour ago  » 
    IP address
    gateway address
    DNS Address

    Which all looks perfectly reasonable. How is the Humax connected to the router (cable, powerline adapters etc)? Have you tried power cycling the router?

    | Sun 18 Sep 2016 9:57:45 #4 |
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    The unit is connected by cable directly, no adapters and I have unplugged cables from two other machines below the TV and plugged into the Fox T2, both cables were operating correctly on the other units running the iPlayer so there appears to be no fault with the cable.
    I have just unplugged the router and box, will wait five minutes before reconnectem both and try it.
    Nothing doing I yanked the power cables from both Router and Fox and took the dog out for about 15 minutes and then reconnected to find it has made no difference the revolving portal indicator still spins without any internet input, leaving the existing TV channel on the screen. and after a while the message saying it cannot connect to network and saying to check address and cable
    Thanks, Boyd

    | Sun 18 Sep 2016 11:23:11 #5 |
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    OOps!, I just did a factory default and the portal has come back and is operating correctly, so whatever was missing or disconnected has obviously been fixed by the factory reset.
    I had been reluctant to do a factory reset because I cannot get the machine to load an update from the USB and I thought it would probably reload with an earlier version of software, but after doing it it has reloded with what I think is the latest version V 1.03.12 and all the other info is the same too.
    So thanks for your efforts Martin,I suppose with hindsight I should have done the reset to begin with,

    | Sun 18 Sep 2016 11:54:35 #6 |

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