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Humax recording different channel

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    new member
    Joined: Jul '24
    Posts: 1


    I’ve been setting BBC1 to record on channel 001 but when I check the recording, different regional channels which are BBC1 are recorded instead - why is this happening - it’s a real pain as there is no reception for these channels so I get lots of “broken” recordings

    | Wed 3 Jul 2024 8:10:39 #1 |
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    special member
    Joined: Oct '14
    Posts: 297


    You haven't told us which Humax you're using, so this reply can't be specific.
    The usual cause of this problem is that you have automatically tuned the Humax. Assuming the scan offered you a choice of region and you picked the correct one, the incorrect BBC1 is probably on channel 800 ot greater. If you series link a programme on the correct BBC1 chances are the first one records properly but subsequent episodes pick the wrong BBC1. On some Humaxes you can edit the channels and delete the rogue BBC1 (and any other in 800+ you don't want). On the Aura you can hide them, which may not solve the problem.
    Probably the best solution is to clear all the channels and then manually scan for channels. You will need to check your transmitter details at first.

    | Wed 3 Jul 2024 9:44:46 #2 |

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