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Humax remote does everything but start/stop

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    Trying hard

    junior member
    Joined: Dec '20
    Posts: 6


    Hi, I'm not sure if I'm in the right section but if someone could help I'd be grateful. My Humax box 5000 T is working perfectly, Do is the Remote (RM-L08) except for the fact it doesn't start or stop the box. I always press the button on the box to start and stop.
    I have tried some of the tips I've found on this forum - e.g. batteries out, static discharge, held OK & 0 buttons for 10 second and put remote into Mode 2.
    But nothing works.
    Help please.

    | Sun 16 Jun 2024 16:51:32 #1 |
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    special member
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    Posts: 136


    Have you tried to clean it?

    | Sun 16 Jun 2024 21:35:41 #2 |
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    Trying hard

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    Posts: 6


    I've watched the first video and this shows how the on/off button rubber is causing problems. anyway, I'll have a go to clean it. I'll let you know the outcome.
    But thanks.

    | Mon 17 Jun 2024 7:54:45 #3 |
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    special member
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    Yes though the first vid is a different remote than yours it deals with that style of button and how to check if it is the rubber causing the issue or the switch, the second vid is of the same remote as yours but deals with the central buttons which are different, I just posted it to show the opening up and for reference.
    Good luck I hope it works out and do let us know either way.

    | Mon 17 Jun 2024 12:06:32 #4 |
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    Trying hard

    junior member
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    Posts: 6


    Thank you so very much. Bit of a job to open the remote; but after a thorough cleaning and re-assembly the result is a 100% success. The remote now works perfectly.

    If I knew where you lived, I'd buy you a pint. But thank you.

    | Mon 17 Jun 2024 15:00:57 #5 |
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    special member
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    Posts: 136


    After an afternoon of gardening in the sun today that pint would have really hit the spot but I will settle for helping you increasing my good karma score. Glad it worked out for you and maybe others in the future who find this thread.

    | Mon 17 Jun 2024 18:01:54 #6 |

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