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Humax STB Only! Message on TV Portal

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    Hi, I have a Humax 2000t. I am getting the STB only message when I try to access the portal.
    I have tried rebooting the box several times and reset/re-installed.
    Has it died? I'm more upset about the films I have stored on there.
    I am not very technical but if anyone could help I would be very grateful.

    | Sun 29 May 2016 19:54:15 #1 |
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    Can you still access your recordings - the portal is for apps not recordings so the temporary loss of the portal wouldn't necessarily point to a hardware issue.

    I never use the portal as when I try to use BBC iPlayer it regularly kicks me off and back into programmes or a reboot.

    | Sun 29 May 2016 21:49:52 #2 |
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    Hi, yes can still access the media, a bit of a blonde moment there.

    | Sun 29 May 2016 21:54:40 #3 |
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    tracysid - 1 minute ago  » 
    Hi, yes can still access the media, a bit of a blonde moment there.

    There you are - job sorted. Seriously though, I hate the portal on the 2000T, it has a poor selection of apps anyway and as mentioned in my previous post BBC iPlayer is very flaky. You would be much better off with one of the many streaming devices that are on the market. Something like the NOW box which is only about £15 would give you access to lots of on-demand content.

    | Sun 29 May 2016 21:58:23 #4 |
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    Thanks, yes we have an old Now TV box, I'll start using it.
    Thank you.

    | Sun 29 May 2016 22:00:14 #5 |
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    tracysid - 2 hours ago  » 
    Hi, I have a Humax 2000t. I am getting the STB only message when I try to access the portal.
    I have tried rebooting the box several times and reset/re-installed.
    Has it died? I'm more upset about the films I have stored on there.
    I am not very technical but if anyone could help I would be very grateful.

    It was a temporary issue at the Humax end of the portal not recognising your model. The erroneous message was attempting to say that it did not recognise your HDR-200T has being a valid user of the portal.
    I.e. It is nothing to worry about as it was not your HDR-2000T going wrong.

    | Sun 29 May 2016 22:55:09 #6 |
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    I've been having the same 'HUMAX STB Only' problkem all evening. Still not resolved - even after a factory reset.

    Thanks in anticipation.

    Edit: Just realised that it is exactly a year to the day that I bought and first used the Humax. Seems strange - can't possibly believe that's the cause.

    | Sun 29 May 2016 23:03:48 #7 |
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    I've seen this before, amongst other errors trying to access the portal:
    - A server error website page
    - Nothing appearing after the spinner disappears
    - Sometimes the Loading banner appears, and other times it doesn't

    My advice, is be patient and keep trying, it appears in the end.

    Not had a problem with iPlayer (once it starts), but getting to watch something takes a long time, it's very slow at loading and quite unresponsive at times.

    | Mon 30 May 2016 8:54:13 #8 |
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    All working now thank you.

    | Tue 31 May 2016 9:50:31 #9 |
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    Everything was okay the next morning.

    | Tue 31 May 2016 10:07:35 #10 |

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