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humax suddenly not able to tune

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    After 18 months humax you view can not tune in any there a manual tuning. I don't wantvto hit factory reset as that will loose all our recording and it does not guarantee that the thing will work again.
    Any suggestion on how to fix this I do not have the money to buy another one and with the cost of nearly £300 is not something I want to purchase every year an the half.

    | Fri 20 Nov 2015 18:49:22 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Not sure what the issue is (I do not have a Youview box), but I do know Youview boxes do not have manual tuning and do have a reset mode that retains recordings.

    I take it you have checked your aerial hasn't blown down in the recent high winds ?

    If you have a TV with Freeview is it still receiving channels ?

    Registered Humax boxes in fact have a two year warranty.

    | Fri 20 Nov 2015 19:02:45 #2 |
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    As Graham has indicated you have given us no reason to believe that your Youview box is faulty. But if it is then ...

    lola - 22 minutes ago  » 
    After 18 months humax you view can not tune in any there a manual tuning. I don't wantvto hit factory reset as that will loose all our recording and it does not guarantee that the thing will work again.

    All Youview boxes have a choice of resets. The one that appears in the main menus is the one which blitzes everything but there are other choices offered on the maintenance mode menu. They are low risk.

    lola - 22 minutes ago  » 
    Any suggestion on how to fix this I do not have the money to buy another one and with the cost of nearly £300 is not something I want to purchase every year an the half.

    You don't say which particular model you have but a DTR-T2000 with an optional 2 year Humax guarantee is very widely available for £149. Cheaper options are usually available.

    | Fri 20 Nov 2015 19:31:50 #3 |
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    Thanks for the help. Yes we can watch TV through the free view.
    However we can not record anything as humax says it cannot find any channels. We tried disconnecting everything and then connecting it back it then finds channels and keeps them visible for a few minutes then it forgets all.
    Sorry I forgot to say the model is 1010.
    I ll try the rest without delete and let you know.

    Again thanks for the quick response

    | Sat 21 Nov 2015 15:52:49 #4 |

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