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Humax Supplied Wi-Fi Dongle Doesn't See Router

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    Just got my HDR2000T 1GB today. Works fine apart from wi-fi connection using the Humax supplied wi-fi dongle.

    I've inserted the dongle into both the front and rear USB ports. The power light goes green but the wlan light stays unlit. When I go to configure wi-fi it is greyed out and so inaccessible. The Humax is about six inches from my router.

    The dongle works on my pc and connects to my router without problem. Likewise the Humax connects to my router via a LAN cable.

    My password is alpha-numeric and all lower case but, to be honest, I don't think the dongle is getting that far.

    There is a WPS button on the dongle but I don't know if I'm supposed to use this - there's certainly no mention of it in the manual. The dongle product model is WNA699U8N3 - it should be compatible, it came in the box with the Humax.

    Thanks in anticipation.

    | Sat 30 May 2015 18:04:26 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
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    Welcome to our Forum

    I'll hazard a guess that your unit does not have the latest software which is required for the dongle - version 1.01.13


    | Sat 30 May 2015 18:08:48 #2 |
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    new member
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    Thanks for your prompt reply.

    Okay, my software version is UKTFAC 1.00.07. Loader version UKTFAC 1.02.

    I'm connected to the internet via a cable to my router. I followed the link you supplied and it states that coming out of standby should download the update - it didn't. I've done a manual and automatic search for software updates neither found an update.

    How can I force an update?

    Update: The thing just did an update of its own accord. I'll try the dongle in a hour or two. Thanks again.

    | Sat 30 May 2015 18:38:18 #3 |

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