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Humax T2000 freezing/loosing hard disc

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    Joined: Oct '13
    Posts: 17


    Have recently experienced the box freezing/taking for ever to respond to the remote. It also looses the hard disc. A hard power down seems to fix this temporarily. Found a reference somewhere on the interweb to other makes (eg Sony) being affected by a recent digital broadcast stream update (in Oct2016). Does anyone know anything about this/is it happening to anyone else. Fix they suggested was a retune.
    Freeview UK (or whatever they are called) do have at least one post about it
    (21st oct)

    (see near end of this listing for other peoples probs )

    | Mon 7 Nov 2016 13:33:27 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    CornishLad - 2 minutes ago  » 
    Have recently experienced the box freezing/taking for ever to respond to the remote.

    Can you clarify please; is your box a DTR-T2000 (Youview) or HDR-2000T (Freeview)?

    | Mon 7 Nov 2016 13:37:33 #2 |
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    I'm slightly confused by the names but its describe as this:-
    "HDR-2000T Freeview + HD Digital TV recorder"

    | Mon 7 Nov 2016 13:48:25 #3 |
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    Minstrel SE

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    Welcome to the club Cornish lad.

    Yes its a problem others experience and one example is if I bring up signal detection in the menu it then freezes and takes a while to respond to the back button.

    Another thing you may experience is the no entry logo or no response because its lost all hard drive functions....this requires a reboot with the power button. Its not the remore freezing but the box wont let it access hard drive functions it hasnt recognised on booting up

    Not recognising the hard drive or sound is a gem these are known for requiring a reboot to sort it until the next time

    I wouldnt think too much about updates or recent channel tuning. It seems to be a problem with the box itself.

    Mine will be going back. I just got caught with it and have had no other HD equipment to compare at the moment. It actually stressed me because this was supposed to be a stopgap into a 720p telly while I decide what 1080p or 4K telly to buy next with a HD tuner built in.

    Im going to get one of those cheap s/h Huawei PVRs just to get something that works while I look at the Panasonic boxes

    | Tue 8 Nov 2016 12:36:35 #4 |
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    Why I'm asking about other causes is because this box has been going fine for approximately 3 years. So till now it doesn't seem to have had any inherent problems with the software or hardware (the firmware has been updated, but not in a while)
    Plus the symptoms described by the people whose (other make) boxes do have problems with the newly changed broadcast stream, look like a match for what I'm experiencing

    | Tue 8 Nov 2016 14:11:44 #5 |

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