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Humax UHD 4tune+ Windows ftp connection

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    I have problems with my Humax UHD 4tune+ receiver to access the internal HDD via Windows.

    With my current Windows 10 PC, I have achieved (unfortunately, I don't remember how) to be able to see the device directly, see attached picture 1.

    Now, I need to switch to new Windows 11 PC. As said, I'm not able to configure the Humax Receiver again like shown in picture 1.

    As fallback, I tried to connect via ftp connection of the Windows explorer (or as well with WinSCP). After switching on the password and user 'admin', I'm able to connect (either from the Windows 10 or 11 PC), but the directory is empty (see picture 2).
    If I leave the password set, the connection shown in picture 1 is not working anymore (I need to disable the password).

    So questions are:
    - how can I restore/copy over the connection from my Windows 10 PC to the new Windows 11 PC?
    - what is going wrong with the ftp access (why is the directory empty)?

    I need one possibility to access the internal HDD.

    Thanks for your help


    1. 2_-_Empty_ftp_directory.png (9 KB, 1 downloads) 2 mnths old
    2. 1_-_Working_connection.png (23.5 KB, 3 downloads) 2 mnths old
    | Thu 20 Jun 2024 19:10:57 #1 |
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    Hi tigdra.

    You have posted on a UK site.

    The closest in the UK to the 4tune is the UK's Humax HDR-4000T/5000T.

    Hopefully an admin will move your question to the HDR-4000T/5000T instead of the Aura sub forum.

    | Thu 20 Jun 2024 22:52:03 #2 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    tigdra - 19 hours ago  » 
    With my current Windows 10 PC, I have achieved (unfortunately, I don't remember how) to be able to see the device directly, see attached picture 1.
    Now, I need to switch to new Windows 11 PC. As said, I'm not able to configure the Humax Receiver again like shown in picture 1.

    I suspect this is a connection to the DLNA server on the Humax. In Windows 10 a DLNA client is available by default. For some reason Microsoft didn't make it available by default in Windows 11. On the Windows 11 PC trying going to Control Panel> Programs and Features> Turn Windows Features On or Off and then make sure Media Features and the sub directory "Windows Media Player Legacy app" ae both ticked.

    | Fri 21 Jun 2024 14:32:31 #3 |
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    Hi, sorry, I was not aware that the forum is divided into sub forums (was not visible during posting).
    DLNA server indead was deactivated, but activating it hasn't change anything (no new devices found)...

    | Fri 21 Jun 2024 19:11:14 #4 |
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    Short update:
    Creating an directory from my PC at the Humax receiver shows the directory structure:
    The directory is created in the download folder. But for sure, this is not where the internal records are stored. But I'm also not able to move the internal record to these folders, so are stored somewhere else...

    | Sun 23 Jun 2024 13:04:53 #5 |
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    Next update:
    Seems to be the case that ftp is not the regular way to get to the internal recordings.
    But then, with Windows 11 it must be able (like under Windows 10) to map the receiver as network device under "This PC". Under Windows 10, I see then directory My Contents -> Detachable Recordings where everything is stored.
    Can somebody give advice??

    | Mon 24 Jun 2024 19:41:58 #6 |
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    Try this in Windows Explorer URL box at the top: ftp://<username>:<PIN>@<IP Address>:2323/

    Username was "Aura" for me as I have the Aura box

    This was shown in the Settings - Network share section of the Humax box.

    Let me know how you get on?


    | Mon 24 Jun 2024 20:25:44 #7 |
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    access via Filezilla for example is only working on port 21.
    With port 23, server connection can't be established.

    With the credentials (working in Filezilla) entering them in the Windows Explorer in this style, is not working.
    But access via new network share via Windows Explorer is working (but as well only via port 23).
    Support already said that ftp will not give access to internal recordings. But it is still absolutely unclear what a connect is it given in picture 1 via my Windows 10 PC. Has to work somehow...

    | Tue 25 Jun 2024 17:38:02 #8 |
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    Problem is solved. With a UPnPBrowser, everything works like before.

    | Tue 25 Jun 2024 20:31:20 #9 |

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