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Humax Youview Schedule display

(4 posts)
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    Joined: Sep '16
    Posts: 4


    In YouView MyView there are two options: Recordings and Scheduled. For the first time, there are no scheduled recordings listed although there are a number waiting to be recorded. It reads: 'No Scheduled Recordings'. It does not stop what I have set for recording being recorded - except that SOME series recordings need to be set to record each time. Can you help, please?

    | Tue 20 Sep 2016 8:39:25 #1 |
  2. gomezz


    special member
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    Posts: 944


    When you press the red Record button on the relevant EPG entry it asks if you want to record just that episode or the whole series.

    | Tue 20 Sep 2016 19:29:44 #2 |
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    new member
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    Posts: 4


    Yes, indeed. I know that. For a long time the series and individual recordings were displayed in 'Scheduled'. It is only recently that this has been displaying 'No Scheduled Recordings'. And it is only recently that it has been inconsistant in series recordings.

    | Tue 27 Sep 2016 8:27:51 #3 |
  4. gomezz


    special member
    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 944


    I suggest you try a reset. But rather than select the reset from the menu options you can boot up into maintenance mode and select a less aggressive type of reset from there. Details of how to do that are around here somewhere ...

    ... here you go

    | Tue 27 Sep 2016 9:32:40 #4 |

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