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HummyReadFiles 094

(1 post)
  1. super-admin


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 618


    HummyReadFiles is a GUI program for transferring recordings from a modified 9200t or a drive removed from one. The main purpose of HummyReadFiles is to provide a fast method of transfer to a PC for editing to a DVD or Network Server. It will search for a valid hummy drive format and list the files, which can then be selected by means of the check boxes. The destination folder can also be changed if required. For those who are put off by command line tools (e.g. humaxrw) it is less intimidating, though it still requires the USB-IDE modification or removal of the drive.

    It has some limitations if you have upgraded your Hummy to a bigger drive and have exceeded 256 recordings in that it indexes those extra files incorrectly (even if you reduce the numer to below 256). Also in common with the Humax Media Elinker it does not allow you to transfer back to the Hummy.


    1. (53.6 KB, 282 downloads) 8 years old
    | Fri 23 Sep 2016 19:36:01 #1 |

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