My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

I Like It

(3 posts)
  1. User has not uploaded an avatar


    Joined: Nov '16
    Posts: 46


    There seems to be quite a bit of Humax and 4000T bashing on here.
    I just wanted to address the balance and say that I like the 4000T - a lot.
    OK, so it took a while for the software to sort out one or two quite major problems but it is now a very nice machine.
    I love the fact that you have all the catch up services on it as well as Netflix and Youtube.
    The machine works brilliantly now and the recordings are spot on every single time.
    Brilliant machine.
    Well, I like it anyway!

    | Thu 16 Feb 2017 21:58:29 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,074


    There is no doubt it has been improved as the software is updated, however mistakes have been made that quite rightly attract criticism ie the lack of info button on the remote to name just one.

    For accurate information this forum is the best place to seek advice and help, especially if it is deemed urgent. Having just had a quick glance at other places they either have incorrect or misleading info most of the time, and have members who do not even own a unit posting absolute nonsense.

    I would not recommend reading early reviews, they are based on outdated info from owners using early iterations of software.

    | Sat 18 Feb 2017 9:37:55 #2 |
  3. User has not uploaded an avatar


    Joined: Nov '16
    Posts: 46


    Oh yes I know all about the earlier versions of the software! I had the machine for a year before the software was stable enough to be able to use the machine and rely on it but it is very stable now and I really like the interface (although I know many don't!)and the way the machine works in general.
    It's horses for courses though. I have absolutely no use for an info button on the remote but I know this would be really handy to some people.

    | Sat 18 Feb 2017 11:13:48 #3 |

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