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Incompatible signal

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    chris b

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    Several months ago problems in tuning and in HD started on my FoxTR. Firstly, my TV started coming up "Incompatible signal" from the Humax box, whereafter it tuned to the signal but only in SD, not HD. there is no problem with the TV (a Pioneer KRL46V) receiving HD from a chromecast, so that is not the issue, and the signal strength is OK (strength 75% quality 100%). I also have some pixelation, despite that signal strength, which do not occur with my TV. I am monitoring that issue, since I improved the signal by shortening the aerial input path.

    Any ideas?

    | Sat 25 Apr 2020 17:32:34 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    chris b - 5 hours ago  » 
    Several months ago problems in tuning and in HD started on my FoxTR. Firstly, my TV started coming up "Incompatible signal" from the Humax box, whereafter it tuned to the signal but only in SD, not HD. there is no problem with the TV (a Pioneer KRL46V) receiving HD from a chromecast, so that is not the issue, and the signal strength is OK (strength 75% quality 100%).

    have you tried using different VFormat settings on the Humax?

    I also have some pixelation, despite that signal strength, which do not occur with my TV.

    Can you describe the nature of the pixellation?

    | Sat 25 Apr 2020 23:27:11 #2 |
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    chris b

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    First the VFormat - no I had not. It turns out that the VFormat had got reset to 576i, and when I reset it to 1080p all was well on HD reception and the "incompatible signal" message disappeared. Thank you - I feel more than a little silly for not finding that myself.

    In terms of the pixellation - there are stripes across the screen, sporadically. However, I need to do more research on this, because I improved the RF signal quality yesterday by taking a redundant VCR out of the input stream. I am going to hit the box hard tonight (metaphorically) by recording two programmes in both SD and HD and see what happens. I'll post back here if the problems persist.

    Many thanks for your help

    | Sun 26 Apr 2020 10:52:54 #3 |

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