i got a refurbished Humax Foxsat HDR 500gb grade A(?!) direct from Humax a couple of weeks ago, installed it yesterday as my Sky was due to disconnect over the weekend.
from the start i noticed intermittent interference on the screen, at worst probably 10 times per minute. can only be described as a very thin static or sometimes dark line that flashes across the screen. never saw this on my Pace Sky HD box or any other digital box from Sky. this interference is also captured on any recordings.
i have...
checked the F Plugs, both properly wired and shielded.
have no phone line etc near the box.
tried 2 different HDMI cables
plugged the humax into its own separate wall socket
quad LNB was replaced by Sky 6 months ago
don't see this interference on any other devices connected
to my LG plasma (media player, Wii).
any advice is mucho appreciated