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iPlayer Portal was accessible, but then I moved house...

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    Hi All, would be very appreciative of any help...

    I had everything working fine in my old house. The whole Portal area was perfect and didn't miss a beat. Now I'm re-connecting everything in my new place and for the life of me I can't remember what cable went where!

    I had: HDR Fox T2, Apple TV, phone socket, ethernet cable, telly.

    Some combination of cables made everything work fine.

    I have the exact same equipment but I'm not getting access of Portal ('No Network Found').

    Could anyone help a complete dufus wire everything back up again?

    Thanks very much in advance.

    | Wed 30 May 2012 21:19:18 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    reimomo - 20 minutes ago  » 
    I had: HDR Fox T2, Apple TV, phone socket, ethernet cable, telly.

    That list does not include a modem/router. You need to connect the HDR to the router so that it can talk to the outsie world.

    | Wed 30 May 2012 21:41:08 #2 |
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    Thanks Martin.

    But I didn't have a router before. And it worked seamlessly!

    | Wed 30 May 2012 21:45:10 #3 |
  4. gomezz


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    What was the ethernet cable connected to before when it was all working?

    | Wed 30 May 2012 22:17:19 #4 |
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    That's the question. It sounds ridiculous but I can't recall. I just know the set-up worked fine.

    | Thu 31 May 2012 7:18:55 #5 |
  6. gomezz


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    In that case I am 100% confident in telling you it was connected to a router in your old home which in turn was connected to the internet in one way or another although it is possible all you saw was a wallplate socket (was it a block of flats?). Do you have an internet connection at all in your new home?

    | Thu 31 May 2012 8:39:16 #6 |
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    Yes, there is wifi in the new house, just as there was wifi in the old house. It was a personal account, no communal block-of-flats system.

    The router in both cases is in my office, connected to a Time Machine.

    Connecting the ethernet cable to the wall socket wouldn't work, would it? I'll try it anyway and report back.

    | Thu 31 May 2012 13:03:40 #7 |
  8. gomezz


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    So now there is a router? Unless your home is wired up with ethernet distributed to wall sockets then that won't work. Plugging the ethernet cable into a telephone socket won't work and in fact shouldn't fit. I am still getting the feeling we are not being told the whole story. Does the word homeplug ring any bells with you?

    | Thu 31 May 2012 13:29:56 #8 |

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