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iPlayer requires tuner?

(8 posts)
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    Alan White

    Joined: Aug '12
    Posts: 47


    A programme was recording and I decided to watch iPlayer, knowing that a second, overlapping recording was due to start soon. When the second programme's start time arrived I was warned of a conflict and had to stop watching iPlayer.

    I was surprised as I assumed that iPlayer wouldn't use a tuner, especially while actually playing a programme. Is this expected behaviour?

    | Wed 3 Oct 2012 7:32:46 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    When watching iPlayer a tuner is still being used for the current live channel and it is a conflict with this that the warning was about. Did you try restarting iPlayer after the second recording had started? I have never seen this issue myself but I would agree that it is another example of poorly thought out Humax usability.

    | Wed 3 Oct 2012 8:35:05 #2 |
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    Alan White

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    Posts: 47


    Yes, I was able to restart iPlayer and watch the rest of the programme I'd been watching, though I think I did this after the first programme had finished recording. In other words - and I haven't definitely proved this - it seems that it's not possible to record two programmes and watch iPlayer.

    | Wed 3 Oct 2012 19:26:14 #3 |
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    | Sat 6 Oct 2012 7:42:47 #4 |


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    I think it would depend on which two channels you were recording, just like any other channel.

    | Sat 6 Oct 2012 8:20:18 #5 |
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    Alan White

    Joined: Aug '12
    Posts: 47


    I'd assumed that all iPlayer traffic would use ethernet: I hadn't appreciated that iPlayer is itself a satellite channel. In this context the "current live channel" is iPlayer and this means that use of iPlayer is subject to the same limitations as any other two channels.

    I can understand - or at least make educated guesses as to - why this is but it is a little disappointing and I was very confused when the conflict warning appeared while I was watching a programme on iPlayer

    | Sat 6 Oct 2012 9:07:37 #6 |


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    I understand that it is a mixture of the two, at least initially.

    | Sat 6 Oct 2012 9:28:06 #7 |
  8. bob_dvb


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    Posts: 25


    The iPlayer MHEG app needs to be downloaded from the satellite multiplex each time because the broadcaster needs to manage the process around their app and to keep it up-to-date.

    | Wed 17 Oct 2012 14:23:38 #8 |

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