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Is casting from one 2000t to another possible?

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    Hi, I may be mistaken but I had the impression that if you have 2 or more 2000t boxes all on the same wifi network, that you could cast or read recorded programmes from the internal HDD of one to another.

    Last night, using my iphone and the Humax media app I was able to download a programme to the iphone but I couldn't find a way to play the download on the phone nor send it on to another Humax 2000t. (I noticed the only recordings I could send to the phone were the SD recordings, unsurprisingly).

    Can one Humax 2000t play recordings from another and also is there a way to play a downloaded recording on my iphone?

    Many thanks. Cris.

    | Tue 10 Nov 2020 10:56:59 #1 |
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    crashcris - 1 hour ago  » 
    Can one Humax 2000t play recordings from another

    The usual method for playing standard definition and radio recordings on one HDR-2000T from another HDR-2000T is to use their DLNA capability.

    1/ Both HDR-2000T will need to be out of standby.

    2/ On the HDR-2000Ts ensure that "Content Share" is "On"'. MENU >> Settings >> System >> Internet Settings.

    3/ On the other HDR-2000T select the MEDIA menu and using the blue button select 'Network' and then from the selection that appears select HDR-2000T (which would be the other HDR-2000T)and then drill down the folder hierarchy to locate and play the recoding that you want to play from the other HDR-2000T.

    4/ When you want to return to playing recordings from the HDR-2000T own internal storage yo will need to use the blue button again to select "HDD".

    Individual HD programmes can be hacked to play on the other HDR-2000T using DLNA but it's a bit of a pain.

    crashcris - 1 hour ago  » 
    is there a way to play a downloaded recording on my iphone?

    I suspect that the Humax media app can only play decrypted content. Although the HDR-2000T menus imply otherwise, all recordings are encrypted when first created.

    To decrypt the HDR-2000T standard definition (or Radio) recoding export the recording via one of the two HDR-2000T's USB ports. This will decrypt the copy (despite what the HDR-2000T user guide incorrectly states).

    Then copy the decrypted copy back to the HDR-2000T.

    | Tue 10 Nov 2020 12:08:11 #2 |
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    @Luke. Thank you so much for that I'll be giving that a try later. It's a shame if it's only SD programmes that can be cast from one machine to another.

    | Sun 15 Nov 2020 11:30:35 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Luke - 5 days ago  » 
    The usual method for playing standard definition and radio recordings on one HDR-2000T from another HDR-2000T is to use their DLNA capability.

    Interested that you say it will only play DLNA content that is standard definition. On the earlier HDR-FOX T2 and the later FVP-5000T it is also possible to play HD content by the use of DTCP. Any ideas why this isn't possible on the HDR-2000T?

    | Sun 15 Nov 2020 14:04:18 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle - 3 hours ago  » 
    Interested that you say it will only play DLNA content that is standard definition. On the earlier HDR-FOX T2 and the later FVP-5000T it is also possible to play HD content by the use of DTCP. Any ideas why this isn't possible on the HDR-2000T?

    My guess was that it was just what was available on the HDR-2000T's SOC(s) that caused the reduced functionality.

    It took a while before the HDR-2000T DLNA limitation was fully realised, as opposed to just suspected.
    I currently can't put my finger on the actual discussions, but I think they are mainly on
    There is a summary of "2000T" / "FOX T2" differences on that was maintained for a while.

    One aspect I had forgotten was that there were a couple of work rounds to help allow more of the HDR-2000T recordings to be streamed using DLNA which some may find usful, but other may find too technical, or not practical enough.

    | Sun 15 Nov 2020 21:40:18 #5 |

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