My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Keeps switching on

(12 posts)
  1. CK


    junior member
    Joined: Apr '17
    Posts: 6


    Hi all,

    I just purchased the 4000T at the start of the week to replace my dead Fox T2, I chose it for the 3 tuners and the On demand stuff accessed through the guide which is simple enough for the wife to do.

    This box is however a backup box to my sky box as I'm unable to have two cables for recording more than one channel.

    So most of the time the 4000T will or should be in standby but I've noticed when I switch it off half an hour later its back on.

    Is this a bug or do I have a setting wrong?

    Also I'm interested in the beta software to know what's been fixed or added, anywhere I can find these details?

    Thanks for any help.

    | Sat 8 Apr 2017 10:37:11 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,074


    Welcome to our Forum

    What software and loader versions are currently on your unit?

    | Sat 8 Apr 2017 10:51:06 #2 |
  3. CK


    junior member
    Joined: Apr '17
    Posts: 6


    Hi Barry

    Thanks for the welcome, I'm on the following.....

    Software version: UKTFAE 1.01.57

    Loader version: UKTFAE 1.05


    | Sat 8 Apr 2017 11:08:59 #3 |
  4. CK


    junior member
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    Posts: 6


    I changed the remote recording setting from 30 minutes to 10 minutes and the 4000T hasn't come back on by itself and that was over 70 minutes ago.

    Hopefully the problem is resolved.

    | Sat 8 Apr 2017 18:50:06 #4 |
  5. CK


    junior member
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    Posts: 6


    I knew I should have waited longer lol

    It just switched itself on again.

    | Sat 8 Apr 2017 19:06:01 #5 |
  6. Barry


    senior admin
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    Is the unit actually booting to on, or is it just your TV switching input to the FVP?

    What happens if you switch remote record off?

    Edit: Your software version are the latest publically released.

    | Sat 8 Apr 2017 21:46:15 #6 |
  7. CK


    junior member
    Joined: Apr '17
    Posts: 6


    Hi Barry,

    The red led on the front turns from Red to Blue, when I change the TV to the 4000T HDMI input the 4000T is showing the last channel I left it on, I don't use the HDMI-CEC function.

    So far in the last 5 hours it's only switched itself on the once since I changed the remote recording to 10mins, I'll try switching it off if the problem continues.

    Shame no new beta out atm, I look forward to any if they become available.

    | Sat 8 Apr 2017 22:54:47 #7 |
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    special member
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    You will most likely find that it is caused by a button press on your Sky remote that just (by coincidence) happens to be the same code that the Humax remote would send for on/off.
    I have the same problem with my Dyson AM09`s, when I am channel surfing the both turn on.

    | Sun 9 Apr 2017 7:16:40 #8 |
  9. Barry


    senior admin
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    If another remote is causing the issue then perhaps try changing the code the FVP uses?


    | Sun 9 Apr 2017 8:27:49 #9 |
  10. CK


    junior member
    Joined: Apr '17
    Posts: 6


    Thanks for the replies guys, it did cross my mind and I tried pressing buttons on the other controller yesterday to see but gave up after the 4000T didn't switch on.

    I'll definitely try changing the code as it really seems to be an isolated case as not found anyone else with a similar issue.

    Thanks once again.

    | Sun 9 Apr 2017 10:11:13 #10 |

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