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LAN connection problem?

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    I am completely new to this so if this sounds silly it probably is! I have connected the Humax HDR-FOX T2 to my LAN via a USB Wi-Fi connector. I can get the Humax portal without any problems. When I try to connect to my computer, which is running Windows 7, I see the computer and the user names. But on selecting one I receive the “connecting” symbol which runs for a short time but then nothing happens. I don’t know if this is a Humax problem or a network problem. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Many thanks in advance, martin

    | Tue 3 Apr 2012 19:19:00 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    martin - 54 minutes ago  » 
    I have connected the Humax HDR-FOX T2 to my LAN via a USB Wi-Fi connector. I can get the Humax portal without any problems. When I try to connect to my computer, which is running Windows 7, I see the computer and the user names.

    What exactly are you trying to do when you say "connect" to the computer. Is the computer running a DLNA server? Is media sharing enabled? Is UPnP enabled on the router?

    | Tue 3 Apr 2012 20:16:58 #2 |
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    Hi Martin,
    Thanks for your reply. I am trying to view photos on the computer and later view videos and music that is also on it. UPnP is enabled on the router. As for DLNA server and media sharing enabled if it isn't enabled by default I would guess not. I'll see what I can find out about them on the web.
    Thanks again for your help.

    | Tue 3 Apr 2012 21:27:10 #3 |
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    Hi Martin,
    Thank you again for pointing me in the right direction. I have now enabled media sharing and am able to view my photos, great.
    Manys thanks,

    | Tue 3 Apr 2012 21:45:09 #4 |
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    Martin did you know there is a usb connection on the front of the Humax, behind a pull off shield, you can easily download pictures from a usb flash card already loaded with your saved pictures from the PC.

    | Wed 4 Apr 2012 6:19:35 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    devonman - 1 hour ago  » 
    Martin did you know there is a usb connection on the front of the Humax, behind a pull off shield, you can easily download pictures from a usb flash card already loaded with your saved pictures from the PC.

    Yes I am well aware of the two USB ports on the HDR thanks but I always prefer to try and answer peoples questions rather than wander off at a tangent, YMMV.

    | Wed 4 Apr 2012 7:26:51 #6 |

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