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Lip-Sync and HDR 2000T

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    Victor Delta

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    I'm finding that some live programmes and recordings can be slightly out of sync on the HDR 2000T and am experimenting with the Lip-Sync adjustment in audio settings.

    I'd be really interested to know if others find the same and if so, what Lip-Sync setting is used to cure the problem.

    | Fri 8 Aug 2014 7:18:12 #1 |
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    Through what equipment and method do you play back the sound, and what settings and connections do you use? Are some channels more prone than others?

    Using an audio setting of 'Stereo' and via HDMI and then letting a Sony TV output the sound itself or through an amp I very occasionally get out of sync immediately after there has been a reception blip. But otherwise my HDR-2000T has been fine so far.

    I doubt if adjusting the lip-sync delay will work as those programmes which would have been OK will no longer be!

    I have previously suffered from bad lip-sync constantly but if I used the TV's own tuners and speakers it showed that the TV was the culprit. I replaced the TV.

    | Fri 8 Aug 2014 7:59:10 #2 |
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    Victor Delta

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    My TV is a JVC, to which I connect via an HDMI input.

    I find that both live and recorded programmes are improved using a 120ms delay, although I recognise that lip-syncing can be rather a matter of personal preference.

    When I went to use the lip-sync facility for the first time, it was set to 0ms and I assumed one would be able to increase and decrease this. However, one only seems to be able to increase the delay?

    | Fri 8 Aug 2014 22:58:42 #3 |
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    In the non-detail world the visual reaches us before the audio and therefore when it is the other way round most people would find this easier to notice. Despite that I too found it strange that the sync only offers delaying the audio but so far in practice I have only needed it to compensate for the inadequacies of other devices which deliver the audio too soon.

    I have just tried setting the Humax to zero compensation. I then tuned to the same channel on the freeview TV and the Humax and in both set ups root the sound to the TV's speakers. Comparing the two they would both benefit by an identical small delay to the audio. I.e. Marginal out of sync occurs and this means that in my case the Humax is not the culprit.

    When you do not use the Humax but still use your other audio equipment is the audio sync OK?

    | Sat 9 Aug 2014 12:21:36 #4 |
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    Victor Delta

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    The 9200T (feeding the same TV via a Scart input) has never exhibited any sync problems. Neither have other devices which use the TV's HDMI inputs.

    And the HDR 2000T is the first device I've had which even provides the facility to adjust the sound delay... I wonder why it's there if it shouldn't be needed?

    | Sat 9 Aug 2014 15:56:37 #5 |

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