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Local radio on DTR-1000T

(2 posts)
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    new member
    Joined: Dec '12
    Posts: 1


    Hello. I have just joined the forum after having purchased a DTR-T1000.
    I like listening to BBC Radio Scotland. I can receive this on my PC or laptop with BBC iPlayer. However my new Humax only receives my local BBC Radio Ulster and list this as one of my channels. Using Youview, BBC iPlayer only lists BBC Radio 1 to 6 and not BBC Regional radio.
    Is there any way to 'defeat' the system to make it think it is in Scotland or can the iPlayer display be altered to obtain the regional radio channels? (I would be content to just receive my local radio by conventional means). I have also used a 9300T with similar results.

    | Sat 22 Dec 2012 22:25:29 #1 |
  2. gomezz


    special member
    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 944


    I don't think this is possible. You will have to rely on iPlayer from your laptop though you can play it through your sound system by running a lead from headphone out to an AUX input. Or I sometimes connect my wireless headphones to allow me freedom to move round the house while doing some housework.

    | Sun 23 Dec 2012 10:51:41 #2 |

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