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Logitech Harmony remote - 2 Humax boxes

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    Joined: Dec '15
    Posts: 4


    Hi, I tried what you suggested and switched off Viera-Link. True to say, it did stop my TV from routing itself directly to the Youview HDMI input but of course it also stopped other devices like DVD player etc. doing the same. Strangely, the Youview box STILL fired up from high eco mode when I started my HDR T2 although as I said it didn't default to Youview HDMI input. I navigated to the Youview HDMI input manually pressed the standby button on the remote and the light did go from red (High eco mode) to blue (on) but then blacked out completley for a moment only to come on again to (blue) to inform me that it couldnt find ESPN channel (I think the network blipped out) So I had to change the settings back to low eco mode and restart from purple and it was then ok. I think I will better off leaving things as they are for now until some bright spark from Humax or the community either come up with a software update or a magic hack for the Youview box. Many thanks for you time.

    | Tue 15 Dec 2015 22:37:50 #21 |

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