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Looking for a better MDB1.3 code for YSP2200

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    Joined: Jan '13
    Posts: 1



    I have found a remote control code (122) which 'works' with the Yamaha 2200 sound bar but doesn't allow me to switch between HDMI sources-and so is practically useless. Has anybody found a better one?


    | Sun 27 Jan 2013 13:49:40 #1 |
  2. gomezz


    special member
    Joined: Mar '11
    Posts: 944


    One option is to consider a universal remote control from the like of Harmony or One For All. If you get one with a learning function then even if the built codes don't include what you want you can teach it anything missing using the original remote control for the device.

    | Sun 27 Jan 2013 18:31:19 #2 |

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