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Lovefilm for internet portal

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    What are the chances that Lovefilm will be available on hdr-fox t2 TV Portal soon?

    | Thu 23 Feb 2012 16:19:37 #1 |
  2. athomson


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    I would like to know the answer to this too. If it happens it will save juggling DVDs when I want to rent a film to watch at home.


    | Fri 24 Feb 2012 15:55:03 #2 |
  3. gomezz


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    I use an Acer Revo nettop box for this sort of thing. Gives me unlimited access to everything available on the internet without going through the crippled portal access offered up by "not so Smart" TVs and PVRs etc.

    | Sat 25 Feb 2012 9:39:25 #3 |
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    Does nobody from Humax read these posts and reply to them?

    | Tue 28 Feb 2012 11:34:05 #4 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    nehoma - 50 minutes ago  » 
    Does nobody from Humax read these posts and reply to them?

    Humax may read them but don't usually respond here. The nearest you will get is posts from Barry who has very good contacts at Humax and often has advance information.

    | Tue 28 Feb 2012 12:26:02 #5 |
  6. Barry


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    Humax certainly do read the forum.

    Re Lovefilm - It depends on whether they (Lovefilm) have any interest or inclination to appear on another 'portal'

    | Tue 28 Feb 2012 13:28:59 #6 |
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    Ah! great stuff, where's my list....

    Please fix the hdmi/hdcp handshaking rubbish on the HDR-FoxT2 and HD-FoxT2. Let me tell the box what the resolution should be and not let the box decide it can't figure out what is connected so I'm not going to get a picture or sometimes I get 576i.
    Not a problem with the FoxSat, PS3 and other hdmi equipment, but the FoxT2 just has problems with some of my stuff here and won't work.

    Oh, and LoveFilm, yes I guess so, I agree with all the others, keeping on topic

    | Tue 28 Feb 2012 15:00:59 #7 |
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    why dont Humax ask Lovefilm if it wants to put a portal on their hardware. After All the more things you have available the more popular the hardware and the more they will sell.
    Where is HUmax,

    | Fri 2 Mar 2012 14:50:28 #8 |
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    junior member
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    Hey I wrote to Humax and they are looking into this. If wwe could get lovefilm on the humax portal it would be such a boon to us and I am sure would boost their sales.

    | Sun 4 Mar 2012 11:41:02 #9 |

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