My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T

Media button unresponsive

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    Posts: 23



    My parents' HDR1800T works fine in every way except for one. The unit powers on via schedule in the morning but after this scheduled power on, the media button on the remote does nothing. My father explained this to me a while ago and I was sceptical but I experienced it first hand today.

    If the unit is power cycled with the remote, the media button then responds normally.

    We're not aware of any missed recordings (which I would expect if the unit was not recognising a HDD).

    Any thoughts?



    | Thu 20 Aug 2015 13:33:37 #1 |
  2. grahamlthompson


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    Can you explain what powered on by the schedule means ?

    | Thu 20 Aug 2015 13:37:54 #2 |
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    Ah, the correct terminology should be the 'Power on Timer' (as seen on Page 41 in the manual).

    | Thu 20 Aug 2015 13:41:16 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    kroma - 9 minutes ago  » 
    Ah, the correct terminology should be the 'Power on Timer' (as seen on Page 41 in the manual).

    This does sound like a bug. Do you have a power off timer set ? Does setting a manual watch (might be called reminder) to wake up the box at the same time, instead of the power on timer exhibit the same issue.

    | Thu 20 Aug 2015 13:54:57 #4 |
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    Yes, a power off timer is set for around 11pm.

    I don't know about 'manual watch/reminder' - I can try to implement this at the weekend when I'm next visiting.

    | Thu 20 Aug 2015 14:11:39 #5 |
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    I have the same problem with my HDR 2000T. The problem started after the last ota update. I tried using USB update just in case the update had gone wrong. Generally media button works after a planned recording has started. My box starts at 16.00 and I have set it to record Newsround on CBBC (the programme is short and does not take up much disk space before you delete it). This works Monday to Friday. At the weekend I have not found a suitable programme. I often have to restart the box a couple of times at the weekend or switch off the power at the wall and restart to get the Media button to work.

    | Mon 31 Aug 2015 18:54:12 #6 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Scotsloon - 22 minutes ago  » 
    Generally media button works after a planned recording has started.

    When the Media button is not working, does the PVR LED on the remote flash when you press Media?

    | Mon 31 Aug 2015 19:17:15 #7 |
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    Yes the remote works as intended the PVR button lights up but the box does not usually respond until it has started a recording. I have tried a different remote with the same results. The problem seems to be triggered by the box starting on the timer.

    | Mon 31 Aug 2015 19:23:11 #8 |

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