My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » HDR 1800T, 2000T


Menu Format

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    Joined: Oct '16
    Posts: 3


    I've seen the discussion elsewhert about YouView units, but have experienced a new appearance in some of my HDR2000T menus for the last few days.

    For example, the menu for the Opt button used to have a black highlight against a light background, but this is now bright white. Entering text for a search used to have a white background, which has now vanished, making the whole thing very hard to read.

    I have tried adjusting transparency, but this does not improve matters.

    Is this an "improvement", misbehaving software, or am I losing my marbles?

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 13:23:08 #1 |
  2. FenderBender


    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 981


    Admin: Duplicate thread closed. Please see this thread.

    | Tue 28 Mar 2017 13:45:29 #2 |

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