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Menu wont be selected

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    Joined: May '13
    Posts: 10


    Ive recently bought a humax dtr1000 you view box, i think, ive set it up managed to get things set up and recording, but when i press the youview button to play a recording, i press the arrow and it keeps skipping through the menu and it wont stop, any ideas? now and again i can manage to press the button and it will click on the right option but 95% of the time it doesnt go to the right one!
    HELP please lol
    Thanks in advance

    | Fri 24 May 2013 7:23:12 #1 |
  2. gomezz


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    One thing to try is resetting the remote control by removing the batteries for a few minutes. Even try new batteries as the ones supplied are of unknown provenance and could have been laying around in a cold warehouse for months.

    Then try doing a soft reset of the box itself by touching and holding the Standby button on the front panel for eight seconds or so.

    | Fri 24 May 2013 7:40:04 #2 |
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    Morning, Ive already tried new batteries, they were new when i connected the box up! Ive swapped the batteries with another remote and still get the same!
    I can press the you view menu, but when i want to select something from the right or the left by pressing the arrow buttons it just keeps whizzing right passed!
    I will take the batteries out again while im at work and see what happens then

    | Fri 24 May 2013 7:48:08 #3 |
  4. athomson


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    I sometimes get the same effect on my T2 to get things back I press the direction opposite to the continuous scrolling and this invariably stops the scrolling. Though I do usually find that the batteries are running down in the remote as Gomezz says and need replacing soon. You could make sure the battery contacts are clean and check that none of the buttons are stuck down on the remote.


    | Fri 24 May 2013 9:49:32 #4 |
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    Thanks for the information, i appreciate it, i have just come in from work and put the batteries back in, ive discovered that this worked for now! Thanks again for the information would never have thought of taking the batteries out for 8 hours lol

    | Fri 24 May 2013 16:25:19 #5 |


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    Removing for a few mins and holding down a key for a min to discharge the stored change should do it.

    | Fri 24 May 2013 20:01:06 #6 |
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    Ive noticed something else about this box but i dont know whether its anything to do with the other slight problem, now and again when I've turned everything off and gone to bed, my tv turns itself back on and FULL volume, i had to get out of bed around 10 times last night to try and sort it, in the end i had to switch the box off at the back and back on!

    Anyone had the same or similar thing?

    | Tue 28 May 2013 7:22:19 #7 |
  8. gomezz


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    How is it connected to the TV? Do you have CEC on the TV turned on?

    | Tue 28 May 2013 8:31:32 #8 |
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    Hi gomezz its connected to the tv via HDMI and i have no idea what CEC is on the tv?

    | Tue 28 May 2013 18:49:20 #9 |
  10. gomezz


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    It is part of the HDMI connection system which lets the TV know that it needs to turn itself on and switch to a particular HDMI source. Panasonic call it Viera Link and Sony call it Bravia Sync.

    | Tue 28 May 2013 18:57:53 #10 |

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