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Minor problem when switching on

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    I've recently bought a HDR-1800T after years struggling with Sagem PVR's. So far I am delighted, not one program missed yet !
    I altered the Power Saving setting to allow the TV to receive the signal when the Humax was on standby, which has left me with one minor annoying problem.
    When the box comes out of standby around 20 minutes before a scheduled recording, or a few minutes before a timer recording (or is switched on manually), the TV loses it's signal for around 20 seconds.
    Is this normal? Humax suggested I try a factory reset, but that didn't help.
    I'm using HDMI and Antenna In/Out leads.
    Thanks in advance.

    | Wed 18 Sep 2019 14:15:29 #1 |
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    syorks55 - 14 mins ago  » 
    Is this normal?

    Yes for at least some, but not all.

    One workaround is not to use pass through but to use RF splitter before the HDR-1800T with one cable feeding the HDR-1800T and the other feeding the TV.

    Another workaround is to take advantage of the HDR-1800T live pause facility, and the convenience of using just 1 device, and just use the HDR-1800T to both record/watch and just watch, without using the TV's own tuners.

    | Wed 18 Sep 2019 14:35:03 #2 |
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    Thanks for the reply Luke. The main thing is knowing that it is normal. The splitter seems the best idea - I already use one to get the signal upstairs, but I think it is strong enough to take another. I suppose another work round is simply to switch the Humax on earlier than it is needed.
    Thanks again.

    | Wed 18 Sep 2019 16:42:05 #3 |
  4. grahamlthompson


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    syorks55 - 1 hour ago  » 
    Thanks for the reply Luke. The main thing is knowing that it is normal. The splitter seems the best idea - I already use one to get the signal upstairs, but I think it is strong enough to take another. I suppose another work round is simply to switch the Humax on earlier than it is needed.
    Thanks again.

    Just replace the first one with a 1 in 3 out assuming the coax cabling allows this.

    You could always fit a variable gain amp on the input to the 3 way splitter.

    Humax generally have sensitive tuners so too high a signal is very common. Just check the signal quality remains at 100%.

    You could also save some money by enabling low power sby on the Humax as you will not need to power the inbuilt amplifier.

    | Wed 18 Sep 2019 17:52:15 #4 |
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    Thanks Graham, I'll have a good look at suggestions at the weekend.

    | Thu 19 Sep 2019 16:20:30 #5 |

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