My Humax Forum » Freeview HD » FVP 4000T, 5000T

Missing Channels

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    I have a lot of channels that have disappeared. For example, channel 24, ITV4 is recognised when I tune the box however, when I select it, I get an error that says the channel is unavailable or encrypted. Now, the obvious answer might sound like I'm not getting a signal but I have one aerial that is used by 3 TVs. They all work find including the one that the box is connected to.

    So I'm a bit stuck and wonder if the box has developed a fault. It's only a couple of years old. I have tried a 'Smart' retune several times but no luck. I'm trying to avoid a full retune because I think the Humax is telling me that if I go for this option, my recordings will be lost.

    Has anyone else had this problem and do you know how I can fix it without replacing the box?

    Many thanks,


    | Sat 8 Feb 2020 15:32:31 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    MarkE - 8 hours ago  » 
    I think the Humax is telling me that if I go for this option, my recordings will be lost.

    No; it is telling you that the schedule for future recordings will be lost and will need to be reinstated; existing recordings will not be lost be any sort of tune.

    | Sat 8 Feb 2020 23:48:27 #2 |
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    Thanks Martin,

    I did a full retune and everything's back to normal. I appreciate your help.


    | Sun 9 Feb 2020 11:47:02 #3 |

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