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More on using the Guide (EPG)

(2 posts)
  1. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,051


    When guide is pressed the initial 'page' displays now and next,(removed by subsequent software update)

    Pressing OK on any of the programme names (on air) will lead to the unit changing to that channel and dismissing the guide. (removed by subsequent update)

    Pressing the + button gives options to change the 'group' to TV, Radio and HDTV.

    Pressing right arrow changes guide to full listings, a time line is displayed showing the current elapsed time of programmes, and pressing OK displays the details of future programmes.

    The + key now has a new function in that you can select genre:
    All, Children's, Drama, Education, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Movie, News & Factual, and Sport are the options.

    | Sun 15 Nov 2015 10:43:32 #1 |
  2. Barry


    senior admin
    Joined: Feb '11
    Posts: 11,051


    The + button also now has option to 'Jump To Date'

    (not sure which software version added this)

    | Sun 4 Sep 2016 10:42:53 #2 |

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