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More weirdness

(7 posts)
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    Joined: Sep '15
    Posts: 22


    Some while ago I queried about how to stop the disk running 24/7, well I turned off the server option.
    BUT and there always is one, when I powered it up next day, no recordings, schedules and no disk space used.!!
    PANIC STATIONS, powered it down, powered it up when to recording, nothing, then, about 15 seconds later, all back.
    This occurs (not the PANIC STATIONS) every time I power it up.
    Anybody else experienced this?

    | Wed 14 Feb 2018 8:37:40 #1 |
  2. Barry


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    Yes on a couple of occasions now.

    When unit is booted it has to perform numerous housekeeping functions, and if you happen to select recordings whilst it is performing one of these you may get results as you have seen.

    | Wed 14 Feb 2018 8:43:10 #2 |
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    Then I suggest that the software should have taken this into consideration and not present a screen until its finished.
    Most linux systems wont allow access until checks are complete, and fsck on startup can take a while.
    Sloppy programming

    | Wed 14 Feb 2018 8:46:17 #3 |
  4. Barry


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    aimdev - 1 hour ago  » 
    Then I suggest that the software should have taken this into consideration and not present a screen until its finished.
    Most linux systems wont allow access until checks are complete, and fsck on startup can take a while.
    Sloppy programming

    Disagree - would rather have video/audio of live channel presented as it is in 17 secs approx, rather then having to wait ala YouView units for over 2 minutes before you can use unit (from full standby)

    If it bothers you that much then set a power on timer.

    | Wed 14 Feb 2018 10:14:53 #4 |
  5. prking


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    I agree with Barry, its not an issue and in my opinion good design to get the basics running first.

    My Sony TV produces a picture straight away. Shortly afterwards you can change channels but it can be 30 seconds or so before you succesfully can do anything more involved like going into a menu or change inputs.

    Mobiles work the same way as well, phone functions first followed by other features.

    | Wed 14 Feb 2018 10:50:00 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    aimdev - 2 hours ago  » 
    Some while ago I queried about how to stop the disk running 24/7, well I turned off the server option.
    BUT and there always is one, when I powered it up next day, no recordings, schedules and no disk space used.!!
    PANIC STATIONS, powered it down, powered it up when to recording, nothing, then, about 15 seconds later, all back.
    This occurs (not the PANIC STATIONS) every time I power it up.
    Anybody else experienced this?

    You can minimise this by ensuring the epg is populated when you boot the box (the cached copy is cleared overnight) by setting a power on timer BBC 1-HD Volume 20 at 07:00 and a power off timer at 07:15. Since I did this the recordings list is available much faster on the first manual boot of the day.

    | Wed 14 Feb 2018 11:04:19 #6 |
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    Posts: 22


    grahamlthompson - 44 minutes ago  » 

    aimdev - 2 hours ago  » 
    Some while ago I queried about how to stop the disk running 24/7, well I turned off the server option.
    BUT and there always is one, when I powered it up next day, no recordings, schedules and no disk space used.!!
    PANIC STATIONS, powered it down, powered it up when to recording, nothing, then, about 15 seconds later, all back.
    This occurs (not the PANIC STATIONS) every time I power it up.
    Anybody else experienced this?

    You can minimise this by ensuring the epg is populated when you boot the box (the cached copy is cleared overnight) by setting a power on timer BBC 1-HD Volume 20 at 07:00 and a power off timer at 07:15. Since I did this the recordings list is available much faster on the first manual boot of the day.

    Thanks for your positive reply, will try that.

    | Wed 14 Feb 2018 11:49:40 #7 |

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