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Motors TV

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    Sorry if this is in the wrong section or been posted before.

    When we binned our very over priced SKY contract we bought the 1 TB free sat box, this box does not receive Motors TV or indeed any form of sporting programs.
    As I said earlier we binned SKY but kept a SKY box in the bed room, this box will receive Motors TV.
    We have free view in our touring caravan and this also receives Motors TV along with "DAVE" and "GOLD"
    Why is there such a different program availability from what seem to be similar if not like for like platforms.
    Does any one think we might get Motors TV, GOLD or DAVE on Free sat one day ?

    Sorry for the waffle, hope you get the gist of it though.
    Thanks for reading

    | Mon 16 Feb 2015 17:47:03 #1 |
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    It's up to the owners of Motor TV what platforms they want to join. Likewise with Dave, with the added complication that the Dave owners, UKTV, have contracts with Sky which possibly may prevent them from putting Dave on FreeSat (just a guess).

    GOLD is only available on FreeView as a subscription channel, isn't it?

    Edit. GOLD's not available on FreeView at all.

    | Mon 16 Feb 2015 21:50:13 #2 |
  3. gomezz


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    Unless you count the Gold internet channel which is part of the BT TV Youview package?

    | Tue 17 Feb 2015 0:11:08 #3 |
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    Which is not FreeView.

    | Tue 17 Feb 2015 6:51:59 #4 |
  5. gomezz


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    Well there is the rub. Freeview is nowadays taken as being synonymous with the DTT platform and by extension so is Youview and by further extension so is BT TV.

    I gave up trying to put people right on this long ago.

    | Tue 17 Feb 2015 10:55:12 #5 |
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    gomezz - 3 minutes ago  » 
    Well there is the rub. Freeview is nowadays taken as being synonymous with the DTT platform on which BT Youview runs. Channel information is broadcast over DTT even if the TV stream itself may not be.

    The YouView channels don't appear on the Freeview EPG though - apart from BT TV's two FreeView slots at LCN 58-59.

    I agree there's a certain amount of confusion.

    I gave up trying to put people right on this long ago.

    Why bother? A lot of people only want to know what's available. They don't care if it's called FreeView or MeView or YooHooView.

    VuTV runs a handful of pay channels via a FreeView channel portal. TopUpTV used to run quite a few extra channels, but got left behind by the changing market/technology.

    | Tue 17 Feb 2015 11:13:31 #6 |
  7. jamonbread


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    Can you not add it in non freesat mode? STB mode on Humax freesat boxes.

    | Tue 17 Feb 2015 22:18:26 #7 |
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    jamonbread - 4 minutes ago  » 
    Can you not add it in non freesat mode? STB mode on Humax freesat boxes.

    Presumably the satellite version is encrypted, since Sky are charging for it.

    Correction. According to a blog post at Motors TV is FTV, so if you've still got your Sky box you may be able to use that to watch the channel.

    | Tue 17 Feb 2015 22:23:43 #8 |

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