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Moving quickly in Guide - HDR-2000t

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    This is a ridiculous question. But just cant see how to do it! When wishing to record a program in advance .. I use Guide to bring up the channel list and programs display .. but cant seem to find a way of moving on a whole day at a time.. have to keep using the right arrow on the handset to move two days forward to find my program which I want to record.

    there must be such a simple way..


    | Fri 5 Sep 2014 18:47:36 #1 |
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    I am logged in now .. do I need to repost this? patrick

    | Fri 5 Sep 2014 18:55:41 #2 |
  3. grahamlthompson


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    Well assuming it's the same as other Humax boxes, you have two pairs of skip keys on the remote.

    One pair moves a whole screen at a time on the same day, the other 24 hrs to the same time the next day (the other in the pair moves the same distance in reverse). They are above the colour key shortcuts on most Humax remotes. Two of them also serve as shortcuts to skip adverts on recording replay. The default settings are forward skip +2 mins and reverse - 15 sec. For most breaks two forward is ideal. If you overshoot one or two reverse skip gets you back to where you need to be.

    You can also jump instantly to any channel in the epg you know the channel number of. For instance tapping in 104 jumps to channel 4 HD at the current day and time you are viewing in the epg.

    | Fri 5 Sep 2014 19:01:00 #3 |
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    Patrick17 - 22 minutes ago  » 
    cant seem to find a way of moving on a whole day at a time.

    When you are viewing the 2000t's epg to advance one day you will need to tap the button that is positioned just to the right of the stop button. To go back a day tap the button to the left of the stop button.

    | Fri 5 Sep 2014 19:14:51 #4 |
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    Hi! not quite there.. my handset is a RM-106u... above the 4 colour keys is volume and program [+/- and ^ and down].

    The Volume key just does volume.
    The Program up/down keys page the guide up and down through the channels.

    The compass arrows around the OK button moves the control on the guide by 1 in the indicated direction.

    The skip keys; << and >> move the guide a page at a time which is about 2 hrs a go.

    can see how to get 24hrs either way.. am I using the wrong skip key?

    thank you

    | Fri 5 Sep 2014 19:15:18 #5 |
  6. grahamlthompson


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    At a bit of a disadvantage here, not having the remote. Look for a left and right circular arrow label above the pair of keys.

    | Fri 5 Sep 2014 19:25:24 #6 |
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    Patrick17 - 11 minutes ago  » 
    my handset is a RM-106u

    My handset is also the RM-109U. In the epg the 1 day advance is the button immediately above the 'GUIDE' button. In the epg the 1 day back is the button immediately above the 'MEDIA' button.

    | Fri 5 Sep 2014 19:30:28 #7 |
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    junior member
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    Thank yoooooo. so intuitive :). no more hassle from the missus

    | Fri 5 Sep 2014 20:23:03 #8 |

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