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Moving recordings from HDR Fox T2

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    I’ve recently updated my freeview recorder to a humax fvp 5000t and would like to take my recordings from my old humax hdr Fox t2. Is this possible and if so how would I do this

    | Thu 9 May 2019 21:27:31 #1 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Daveyalders - 1 hour ago  » 
    I’ve recently updated my freeview recorder to a humax fvp 5000t and would like to take my recordings from my old humax hdr Fox t2. Is this possible and if so how would I do this

    Are the recordings HD or SD? SD is easy, simply attach a USB drive to the HDR-FOX T2 and copy the recordings to the drive which will remove the encryption.

    | Thu 9 May 2019 23:02:16 #2 |
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    Most of the recordings are sd. What would I do for the hd recordings? Can I move folders over to the usb or is it just the individual files in the folders I can move over

    | Fri 10 May 2019 7:17:59 #3 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Daveyalders - 1 hour ago  » 
    Most of the recordings are sd. Can I move folders over to the usb or is it just the individual files in the folders I can move over

    It is a while since I did it but I think you can move folders.

    What would I do for the hd recordings?

    The policies on this forum don't allow discussion of the methods involved; pop over to the forum at to get a whole range of options.

    | Fri 10 May 2019 8:49:43 #4 |
  5. Trev


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    As Martin said, there is a whole bunch of stuff on (the home of the T2 custom firmware) about various methods of decryption of HD recordings.
    The custom firmware for the T2 will do it for you with minimal effort and there are also more complex methods methods for decrypting externally to the box on a PC if the box is not in service to decrypt them.
    Not sure about the 5000T, but the T2 requires the 'sidecar' files as well as the *.ts to have full transport control etc. The sidecar files can be rebuilt on the T2, but whether or not they are suitable for the 5000T, I'm not certain.

    | Fri 10 May 2019 8:54:07 #5 |
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    Martin Liddle

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    Trev - 3 hours ago  » 
    Not sure about the 5000T, but the T2 requires the 'sidecar' files as well as the *.ts to have full transport control etc. The sidecar files can be rebuilt on the T2, but whether or not they are suitable for the 5000T, I'm not certain.

    No you can't use the sidecar files from an HDR-FOX T2 on an FVP-5000T.

    | Fri 10 May 2019 12:54:15 #6 |
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    Thanks for your help guys. To test I moved a couple of files over using a usb stick and it works. I have quite a few files left to transfer but at least I know I can do it

    | Sat 11 May 2019 10:35:40 #7 |

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