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Moving Recordings seem to fail

(2 posts)
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    junior member
    Joined: Jun '19
    Posts: 5


    I have a folder structure on my Humax 2000T to store my recordings such as dramas, movies, documentaries etc.

    The problem I have is if I select individual or multiple recordings as well as folders and move them they seem to move back where they were originally stored.

    I get the acknowledgment that the items I selected were moved, but this is rarely the case.

    Any help is very much appreciated.

    | Mon 10 Jun 2019 8:57:46 #1 |
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    special member
    Joined: Oct '14
    Posts: 372


    I may not have understood you correctly, but I tried this:
    Created a folder "TEST". Moved a couple of programmes from the top level of the folder structure and two series folders (at the same time) to the folder TEST with no problem. Moved them all back to original place with no problem.
    I don't get an acknowledgment that the items have been moved, only that they have been "added for move".
    If I've understood you correctly, I can't repeat the problem.

    | Tue 11 Jun 2019 14:02:20 #2 |

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